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Friday, June 21, 2024

Rebuilding TRUST After It Crumbles

Rebuilding TRUST After It Crumbles

MORE than our assets, MORE than our properties, MORE than our wealth, if any of those stuff will crumble or dissipate, it will need gargantuan efforts for the REBUILD but WHERE TRUST crumbles, Rebuilding TRUST After It Crumbles will be a long, arduous road to trek with no guarantees that you will be able to successfully REBUILD the TRUST that crumble.  BTW, that REBUILD will and does NOT require all the monies at allπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Have you ever found yourself lost in thoughts and queries WHEN you know TRUST issues are present, and wished upon wish that someone, something would come along and tie up all the answers in one nice, neat little package?  Thing is, WHEN TRUST crumbles down and collapses, there will be a disruption between levels of CONFIDENCE and CONTROL.  For alignment, let's understand its very core which refers to that BELIEF that someone OR something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etcπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Once TRUST is breached OR compromised, obviously, our common step is to be in that RECOVERY mode, to REBUILD TRUST.  BUT HOW?  Let's think of your closes relationships.  Do you TRUST them as much as you do now as WHEN you first met them?  Likely NOT.  So, it becomes imperative that we need to be focused to REGAIN and/or REBUILD that TRUST even over time, as long as it matters most✅✅✅

First things first though.  Prior to taking that first step to REGAIN and/or REBUILD TRUST, let us align and understand the basics of HOW to gain TRUST, which roughly means, TRUST is multi-faceted, and that consistency and TRUST have a direct relationship, and that TRUST & CONTROL have an inverse relationship.  First off, TRUST is dimensional.  You can TRUST someone in one area BUT NOT another.  Additionally, there are areas in your life that are easier for you to TRUSTπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Our takeaway?  We build TRUST WHEN we see in others WHAT we deem as desired behaviors and attitudes.  They think and act in the desired 'WAY'.  BTW, that 'WAY' is individually defined.  Even in our personal lives, we build TRUST with others WHEN we experience a pattern of consistent and desired behaviors and attitudes in others.  As soon as we stop seeing that consistency, TRUST diminishes [either gradually OR even in a 'big bang' thing].  Worst of all, if we never experience that consistency, there's NO way to build/rebuild that TRUST at all❌❌❌

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