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Monday, June 3, 2024

People Around You

People Around You

As English Poet John Donne aptly said it, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND.  Exactly.  And more than that, other people's thoughts and behaviors influence you.  The people with WHOM you surround yourself affect your potential.  Yes, this is NOT just pure speculation.  A person's economic mobility is largely determined by the community they live in.  Children from low income communities are less likely to have high earning potential than their affluent peers.  Indeed, it's hard to break out of your surroundings with People Around You📗📙📘

Groups of friends MAY subconsciously pick up one another's behaviors and living style.  They use similar phrases WHEN they speak, and they may influence each other's clothing choices.  The effect of PEER GROUPS has notp gone unnoticed even in the workplace.  To quote respected American author Jim Rohn, 'YOU ARE THE AVERAGE OF THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU SPEND THE MOST TIME WITH'.  This says much about the People Around You📌📌📌

Like WHEN we surround ourselves with strong, high-achievers with good character, we are MORE LIKELY to become like them.  On the other hand, imagine HOW much of a NEGATIVE influence low-achievers can have on you. If your five best friends have a poor outlook on life and are satisfied with sub-par results and outcomes in life, there is a very strong likelihood that some of the NEGATIVITY will rub off on you.  The thing is, the influence of People Around You is easily overlooked [even by you yourself]❎❎❎
This poster from Albert Einstein did grab me by my lapels because this one-liner may have been uttered by him way back the 1800s but it does hold water.  Surely you are aware of people's influence [whether it's POSITIVE or NEGATIVE] on you gets unconsciously overlooked.  WHAT's our takeaway here?  In order to improve your life, associate with people with higher standards than you.  If you have high expectations for yourself and you surround yourself with people WHO also have bold expectations, very likely you'll have better quality of life with People Around You💧💧💧

Yes, this is the thing.  So WHAT's our takeaway today?  Everything that you allow into your life and every action you take reflects WHO you are.  BUT please DON'T get me wrong.  I DIDN'T mean that you have to have the fanciest things in life OR work in the corner office right away, BUT it does mean that you do the best with WHATEVER means you have.  You DON'T have to be the 'TOP DOG' of your organization to do an excellent work.  You DON'T have to be wealthy to keep things organized.  Going above and beyond will take you to the next level of success.  If you feel stagnating in your current situation, it might be time to make some changes with People Around You✅✅✅

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