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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

We CAN'T Have The Cake & Eat It Too

We CAN'T Have The Cake & Eat It Too

Does HAPPINESS just HAPPENS?  No sirrrrrs. It is achieved.  It is NOT something you're born with OR given OR bequeathed.  So, you might challenge me, 'How can HAPPINESS HAPPEN?' It is something we acquire through hard work.  You could be born with a bright and sunny personality [WHICH obviously makes it easier to feel OR be HAPPY] BUT nevertheless, it is something, you got to work at and consistently exert your effort. We CAN'T Have The Cake & Eat It Too.  So, HOW?  HOW do we achieve our HAPPINESS?  NOT to scare everyone BUT the truth is, it is NOT that simple.  For any adult, one has to strategize to help yourself to attain it.  BUT for that to HAPPEN, you must first see things and yourself as they really are and be prepared to make changes WHERE necessaryπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

In life, we keep hearing "YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO" and WHAT it means is that essentially, in life, there are two options [outliers will give you more than that] and you must CHOOSE ONE.  More than just being a riddle OR a proverb, this is a WAKEUP CALL for us against making rash OR hasty decisions in life.  Because at the end of it, there will be consequences you will face.  Once you've gobbled up that cake down, be aware that the cake is NO longer going to be there to eat later.  So, if we CAN'T HAVE YOUR CAKE and EAT IT TOO, then WHAT do we do???

Now, if HAPPINESS is an issue, you'll be surprised to hear that recent studies show that people in their sixties, seventies and above are living much happier lives as compared to those in their twenties and even thirty-somethings?  So in our pursuit of HAPPINESS, we have to remember that HAPPINESS is NOT something we were born with OR given.  We have to ACHIEVE it.  So, HOW?  WHY DON'T we step back and truly examine our respective lives.  Do you feel calm, confident and contented?  BTW, experts say that these are the BUILDING BLOCKS for HAPPINESSπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Back to our CAKE  which we want to eat it too, this brings us back to the paradox of PASSION, which leads us to that confusion between WANTING versus HAVING.  And setting aside semantics, WANTING and HAVING are indeed tagged as RIVALS or conflicting because while sometimes they work together, often times, WANTING and HAVING will be butting heads and forcing us to choose one OR the other.  But clearly, let's agree that both HAVE and WANT are desirable states.  WHEN we HAVE something, it comes with security, control, predictability and satisfaction.  Let us admit it, many of us seek to be satisfied.  On the other hand, WANT is that anticipation, desire, motivation, and pleasure.  WHEN we get WHAT we WANT, we experience something close to HAPPINESS.  Yes, many of us desire to be HAPPYπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Our takeaway?  WHEN you want something, it reinforces the fact that you DON'T have it.  And WHEN you have something and are satisfied with it, you may NO longer want it.  Let's look back at real-life situations.  Once WHEN you were hungry, you likely WANTED food.  Your mind began to summon up images of your favorite meal as you considered WHAT you might eat.  As that WANTING for food increases and accelerates, so too does your desire and motivation to seek out a delicious meal.  And WHEN you get your favorite meal and eat it, WHAT happens?  Once you NO longer want to eat, that feeling of satisfaction turns next to WANT something NEXT again, and the vicious cycle loops all over again.  So dude, WE CAN'T HAVE THE CAKE AND EAT IT TOO!@#$%?

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