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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Is Paying Attention A Challenge?

Is Paying Attention A Challenge?

Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher was once quoted 'PLEASURABLE ACTIVITIES TEND TO DESTROY THE UNPLEASURABLE'.  Let's have a classic example.  If my pleasure are NETFLIX movies, even if I'm washing the dishes, that washing will ground to a halt once the NETFLIX movie starts.  Now, there seems to be a mix-up between ATTENTION versus INTEREST.  WHILE INTEREST is ATTENTION that is given to OR received from someone OR something while ATTENTION is no more no less than MENTAL FOCUS.  And are we aware and cognizant that once we get into MULTI-TASKING, that is a direct result of a LACK OF FOCUS?  And if our situation is NOT complex enough, as we are bombarded with an overload and overdose of information, that pushes us to further compromise FOCUS with all the distraction and worsening unmanageability.  So, the question worth asking: Is Paying Attention A Challenge❔❔❔
Experts confirm that at some points in our life, one's mental FOCUS may give way to someone OR something that is of interest.  ATTENTION remains there BUT the object of the ATTENTION has shifted from one object to another.  WHICH brings both my feet on the ground when I recall when sometimes, a task can be boring, tedious OR worst, meaningless and thus less pleasurable, WHAT happens next is we tend to look for an alternative๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
WHAT happens next, we might label that experience as too hard OR even frustrating OR worst, stressful.  However, WHAT we are really doing is leaving something OR someone WHO is less interesting for someone OR something that may become more interesting.  WHAT happens next is that our ATTENTION remains there BUT it has shifted from Point A to Point B.  One thing that flummoxed me is HOW does MULTI-TASKING  really affect ATTENTION?  For one, part of the constant shifting of preferences has led to an inability to focus on one thing at a time.  MULTI-TASKING can even result in time wasted due to human context switching and becoming more prone to errors and mistakes.  Oh, that sounds familiar.  WHAT causes those errors?  Blame it to the insufficient ATTENTION when it is harder to give ATTENTION๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ
MULTI-TASKING also has been shown to lead to higher levels of distractibility, which comprises one's focus even more.  Strangely, experts reveal out of their researches that MULTI-TASKING has been proven to slow down task completion.  And as a result, most studies on MULTI-TASKING have demonstrated that MULTI-TASKING is NOT that efficient and will create OR lead to DISTRACTIONS that will eventually NEGATIVELY affect one's ability to focus.  Sadly, MULTI-TASKING has grown more popular as a direct result of the busy lives we lead through๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Our takeaway?  MULTI-TASKING is an attempt to try and catch up to all that has been left undone.  Sounds solidly convincing?  Me things that that argument is quite water-tight enough.  Now, do we want to pass the buck?  Yesirrr, can we blame things on the INFORMATION OVERLOAD that seems to be like an avalanche in a harsh winter.  Looping into Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher WHO espoused that as humans, we are primed to move from WHAT we find as unpleasurable to something more pleasurable.  This does, however, set us up to be attracted to our DISTRACTIONS.  Ultimately, WHEN interest displaces our ATTENTION more often, our ATTENTION span shrinks.  So, IS PAYING ATTENTION A CHALLENGE?  Absolutely dude๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

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