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Monday, June 10, 2024

Anyone Peddling TIME MANAGEMENT?

Anyone Peddling TIME MANAGEMENT?

Anyone Peddling TIME MANAGEMENT?  If someone is still pitching TIME MANAGEMENT to you, you may want to be diplomatic enough BUT in no uncertain terms, advise the peddler that TIME MANAGEMENT is and will NOT be the talking point these days because over and over again, it has been proven that it is NOT time that should be managed but instead ourselves, OUR energy, OUR motivation📗📙📘

Now, anywhere, anytime, you would bear witness that STRESS is lurking everywhere.  Whether you are just a handyman, a manager, a businessman or a pastor.  And as per studies by experts, a confirmed major source of STRESS for many of us is the pervasive feeling that there is NEVER enough time.  As a knee-jerk reaction, many of us [and that includes me in the past] turn to TIME MANAGEMENT.  WHAT happens next is we endeavor to squeeze hour-long meetings into half-hour sprints to be 'MORE EFFICIENT'!@#$?

And when it comes about our TASK MANAGEMENT, we slot smaller tasks into gaps in our calendar to minimize unproductive time.  And yet, paradoxically, TIME MANAGEMENT [ironically] often increases the STRESS that we all face instead of reducing it instead.  And even as we become more efficient, we make room for even more tasks and feel even more pressure.  And WHEN we tend to feel overwhelmed, we should be better served by attacking the very ROOT CAUSES like the sheer volume of tasks and workload, decision-making required and to spin things in frenzy, the untold and nonstop distractions coming from social media via, ironically, today's technology💧💧💧

So, what our takeaways?  Let us GO BACK TO BASICs and manage our energy and NOT time.  BTW, numerous studies have declared that 'ENERGY IS THE CURRENCY of MOTIVATION'.  Most of the productivity and habit building advice you hear, offers tips and tricks for better and improved TIME MANAGEMENT [all over again].  So, we're back to the same conundrum💥💥💥

With promises of making you more efficient at work, the preachers of TIME MANAGEMENT will suggest all sorts of techniques and strategies for carving up and dividing your day to manage your time better.  BUT to quote numerous studies, 'MOTIVATION IS NOT THE PROBLEM.  IT'S AN ENERGY PROBLEM'.  In brief, you can have all the time in the world BUT if you're doing things that drain your ENERGY, you're NOT going to feel MOTIVATED and then, you will go back and seek refuge with TIME MANAGEMENT all over again❓❓❓

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