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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Slowing Down In Life

Slowing Down In Life

SLOWING DOWN In Life is something hardly thought OR worse, even spoken OR considered at all.  WHY?  Because NO ONE has thought about it.  Because NO ONE is aware of that creeping problem.  Because NO ONE gets to realize the implications of the frenetic pace we go through everyday.  Because even if one realizes it, NO ONE thinks that it is a problem in the first place.  And that's where our problem lies and this time, we CAN'T look the other way📗📙📘

So, do you feel like you're constantly running on that treadmill of life?  NOT quite sure HOW to take a break OR stop feeling like you always have to be doing something.   I totally agree that it's NOT that easy to slow down because I've BEEN THERE, DONE THATBUT hey, do we realize that it turns out that SLOWING DOWN is exactly WHAT we need to do in the first place?  SLOWING DOWN is NOT just good for our own well-being BUT ti can also help us feel less stressed while accomplishing more every day💧💧💧

Our dilemma is that SLOWING DOWN is as simple as 1-2-3 BUT what does it mean exactly?  It DOESN'T have to mean that we literally do things SLOWER [although it's true we might walk SLOWER or give ourselves more time to make a decision.  BUT when people talk about SLOWING down, they're often referring to the idea that we cram too many unimportant things each day❎❎❎

A concrete example is WHEN our minds are speeding, our performance and effectiveness gets slower OR weaker.  BUT hey, it's NOT 'being SLOW' that we're seeking necessarily.  BUT rather it is the feeling that we have the time to do the things that matter most.  Sure we can handle our daily tasks, we DON'T feel stressed and we feel like we always have that time to rest, be present and enjoy the good things in life.  THAT explains why SLOWING DOWN only partially means we need to go SLOW.  Instead, it's more about teaching ourselves how to TURN OFF that 'FIGHT or FLIGHT' response and instead create the life we want, an intentional act with purpose✅✅✅

Our takeaway?  In our life today, we are ALWAYS encouraged to be busy and even MULTITASK yet in the end, most of us feel that incessant pressure to perform OR at least look like we're performing right in front our boss [even if that means masking exhaustion with caffeine and sugar].  BUT that feeling of 'time urgency' actually leads us to perform even worse.  BTW, FASTER DOES NOT MEAN BETTER.  SLOWING DOWN in life is giving JUSTICE to our life, dude❗❗❗

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