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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Life Is Not All X's and O's

Life Is Not All X's and O's

These days. most of us [and that includes moi] find ourselves seeking a LIFE that is LESS distracted.  A LIFE where we can unplug occasionally.  A LIFE less busy.  A LIFE much fuller with focus.  A LIFE fuller of clarity and meaning and NOT necessarily stuff.  In brief, an intentional life.  BUT can we agree that is Life Is Not All X's and O's?   The irony of moving toward living a simpler life is it takes a lot of effort.  Simple it may be BUT it's NEVER easy.  My own path to wanting to live a simpler LIFE is, surely, a typical one, NOT a story that stands out.  After almost a decade residing in Singapore, LIFE was going well with little to complain about in the grand scheme of thingsπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

With a roof over my head and my next three square meals quite assured, I was looking UP and OUT for that glass ceiling, so to speak.  BUT in my daily LIFE, material possessions would come into play, MORE commitments, MORE meetings, MORE WeBex Calls [a few times I was in in more than one WeBex Call between 12midnight and 6am the next day [and I had to excuse myself from the escalation call because I got to shower up and rush to office, whewπŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ 

As a direct reaction to all these confluence of events, I felt like LESS and LESS of MY TIME was, mine.  The quality of TIME was decreasing as more was added to it.  And then, I started to question myself, am I WORKING to LIVE?  OR LIVING to WORK?  So, I got caught in that constantly busy motion BUT I WASN'T getting anywhere near WHAT I truly desired out of my LIFE.  So I questioned myself moreπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

I then realized that I was losing touch with WHAT it was I did truly desire.  I had bought into the concept of MORE and that MORE would be the constant answer.  This was NOT proving so.  Then, I knew that I was OFF-TRACK, just too aware that I had lost myself a little and I realized that I knew some things needed a CHANGEWHAT followed suit was periods of deep reflection and those periods of reflection helped lift the clouds of fog that seemed to constantly hover around and eventually enveloped meπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

As Confucious, the Chinese philosopher has been widely quoted, the constant culprit is NOT life itself because by itself, it is SIMPLE enough BUT it is us humans WHO would whip things and turn it around to be complicated, sometimes way beyond WHAT we can handle.  Our takeaway?  Never miss out to SELF REFLECT because that could unravel a multitude of realities that you sometimes get blinded.  And as I can attest from my personal experiences, those reflections was key to bring me back on the road after being OFF-TRACK for quite sometime.  So, dude, LIFE IS NOT ALL X's and O'sπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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