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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT........

You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT........

No sirrrrrs. our thread today is NOT related to animal science but still in life, You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT that's about it.  You CAN'T force the horse to drink at all.  Very much true in our life, wherein we can raise our kids the rightful way, with the correct core values, instill the discipline we want, share our best practices in life and do all the cajoling till you eventually dig deep in your perseverance and eventually, leave things to fate, how things will shape up.  Indeed, a painful experience for us when we have squeezed ourselves high and dry only to end up with outcome and results that fall short of what we want to achieve

Indeed very very true.  Either as a parent OR as a leader OR as a teacher/mentor OR even as an entrepreneur [for your own business], you can infuse and pour out all your wisdom and inputs to your child, your students, your team members, your employees/workers.  But exasperation and frustration creeps in when those outcomes you expected NEVER happened.  WHY?  Because all along, we STILL expected that You Can Lead A Horse To Water ... and let it drink too❓❓❓

So WHAT's worth dissecting are the root causes as to why, as much as we impart our wisdom and shared lessons, the end result[s] DON'T seem to match our expectations?  First answer here is that you got to RESET EXPECTATIONS.  For all we [DON'T] know, we took the wrong first step when we falsely raised our expectations that our 'protege' or 'student' will end up based on our expectations.  Besides that pitfall of falsely RAISED EXPECTATIONS, the second aspect is quiete tough.  Likely, we were NOT 'IN SYNC' with our protege or student insofar as self-motivation and absorbing the wisdom and lessons we imparted.  If your protege or student is NOT 'IN STEP' with you in terms of drive and motivation, there is a very high likelihood that both of you will end up in different pages.  The worst nightmare here is that by the time you will become aware of the huge gap between your EXPECTATIONS versus OUTCOMES, you're done with your mentoring📌📌📌

Of course we DON'T want to end up, us ending up as forced to drink instead of the horse, right?  But that is the harsh TRUTH in life.  Sometimes, because of our OVER-HYPED expectations for the outcomes.  Lesson is, let us NOT ram through the throats of others regardless if they are our kids, our students, our team members or workers/employees in our commercial initiatives✅✅✅

So what should we do?  Let us sharpen like pencils whoever we are training, molding or mentoring, sharp enough to approximately end up close to our expectations.  And while OPTIMISM is laudable, temper that OPTIMISM with REALITY.  In that way, you will NOT fall flat with your face on the ground.  Just DON'T forget that You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT...... you CAN'T LET HIM DRINK❗❗❗

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