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Saturday, May 20, 2023

How To Handle False Starts?

How To Handle False Starts?

No sirrrrs, our piece today has got nothing to do with Usain Bolt or anything about sprints and the Olympic track and field runs.  Instead, this is How To Handle False Starts [IN LIFE].  Now, before we move on, I am assuming that NO one will claim that he/she has had NO false start in life?  I myself I have to openly admit I had FALSE STARTS along the way and those spate of FALSE STARTS could have easily doomed me to fail with NO reprieve.  Alas, i had a trick or two to extricate myself out💊💊💊

Sadly, there are bad days way before it even starts.  Sometimes, there are those moments when a bad day seems to begin and on the surface, there seems NO WAY out of it and you seem doomed to fail till the end.  BUT indeed it does end and trcik to making that happen a little sooner involves one part 'time travel' and one part humor.  Oh yes, most bad days start with a FALSE START [or even a combination of it].  One too many scenarios for this⏳⏳⏳

One morning you get up late [when you should be early on your feet].  And when you rush to your car, you realized you forgot something.  Then you start driving with the fuel gauge at a low but sufficient until you hit a huge traffic gridlock that's a mile-long and you realized your car is running low on fuel.  And when you wanted to call for help, your mobile phone just conked out💎💎💎

So, how do we handle such FALSE STARTS?  If it seems 'emergency' in nature, tap your helpline.  If your back is against the wall [i.e. your mobile phone is DEAD as well, whew], that's when you need to approach even strangers, hoping you will find a Good Samaritan.  If your FALSE START is in your workplace, fix things PRONTO and if you need guidance from your SME [Subject Matter Expert] or your leader, DON'T hesitate and DON'T waste time dilly-dallying because you hardly have ant 'wiggle room' left [NONE in fact] once your locomotive journey becomes a train wreck✅✅✅

For brevity, the key things to consider in handling FALSE STARTS are as follows:

  • URGENCY of the situation
  • VERY LIMITED options for such urgency
  • SWIFT decision-making is a MUST
  • Reach out to your HELPLINE, asap
  • NO ROOM for ERROR during false starts

Since there is no one size that fits all, our recommendations are as generic as possible. Bottom-line, fix your FALSE STARTS ASAP❗❗❗

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