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Monday, May 22, 2023

How Far Is Success From Failure

How Far Is Success From Failure

There is this age-old fallacy that there is a huge differentiation between SUCCESS and FAILURE.  And I'll be the first one to shoot down that fallacy because in real life, SUCCESS and FAILURE are siamese twins.  WHY?  Every time we initiate and commence our journey, we all emanate from the same starting point.  There's even no way to distinguish from where we all start because in life, there is PARITY at the take-off points.  I DON'T buy that crap that someone started off with a handicapping advantage.  So, the question is: How Far Is Success From Failure๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

And this is where most of us end up falling prey to fallacies.  Instead, what is expected from us is to be absolutely clear on our CHOICES we need to make everyday.  Most of us have good ideas as to what we need to be doing to keep us ON TRACK toward our goals.  Yet many of us have been side-tracked [me included in the past]⏳⏳⏳

Instead of getting dejected, let's face it.  Everyone of us did commit dumb choices in the past.  We commit dumb mistakes that eventually led us to that FAILURE at some point.  And NOT to scare you, those slip-ups are bound to happen AGAIN.  So. what's our hard lesson here?  It is to minimize our FAILURES by coming up with good decisions as we trek down that tricky road to SUCCESS๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

One most common mistake we commit is to measure our SUCCESS by other people's standards.  If some of your classmates ended up with degrees from the Ivy League in the U.S., ask yourself, ARE YOU ON THE SAME LEAGUE❓❓❓

Thereafter, let TRUTH guide you in your decisions.  A safe roadmap for making good choices should NEVER deviate from your personal values.  Those choices have to come from deep within and speak your TRUTH.  When you know you are truly are and what your TRUTH is, choices are easier to make based on how you naturally behave and see the world on the basis of those values and beliefs, and NOT someone's else.  Remember, SUCCESS is just next to FAILURE.  One misstep, you're toast✅✅✅

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