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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Quid Pro Quo [DAR y RECIBIR]

Quid Pro Quo [DAR y RECIBIR]

I am no linguist here as My Latin is putrid and my Espanol is pidgin at best.  Having said it, Quid Pro Quo [DAR y RECIBIR] is worth our piece today because in life, there has been one too many negotiations, horse-trading and the like.  And that's just normal and a given but we need to revisit the essence of Quid Pro Quo [which in Espanol means DAR y RECIBIR]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Whether we're talking commercials or the intangibles, 'VALUE versus PRICE' should be at the core of our thought process way before we make up our minds to reach to an INFORMED DECISION.  IN fact, this infographics is a no-brainer.  Simply put, if the PRICE outweighs the VALUE, it is a NO GO.  Whereas if the latter weighs heavier, that should be the input and trigger for your INFORMED DECISIONπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

BTW, in the Untied States, one of the most rewarding career is to be a LOBBYIST, a legitimate party who will push hard and so goal-centric that they will do what it takes to meet his client's marching orders.  Obviously, in the U.S. landscape peppered with lawsuits any and everywhere, such QUID PRO QUO need to be legal and legitimate✅✅✅

Swinging back to our own lives, in many instances, that option to uptick is driven by our desire for MOREMORE security.  MORE happiness.  MORE peace.  MORE stability.  And for the more responsible ones, the 'MORE' is a motivation if it will be for his/her spouse, loved ones and family, which are all very laudable.  Bottom-line is, you should NOT get short-changed when you're willing to pay that EXTRA in exchange for an upliftπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, where you are that lobbyist at the U.S. Capitol or an Espanol focused on DAR y RECIBIR, everything should be equitable, fair, just and reasonable.  DON'T emulate the high-stakes games at the Las Vegas Strip where the high-rollers go for the max, NEVER TAKE THAT PATH, dude❗❗❗

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