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Monday, May 8, 2023

'Go Ahead Man, TAKE US HOME'

'Go Ahead Man, TAKE US HOME'

'Go Ahead Man, TAKE US HOME'.  Those were the exact words of Fil-Am NBA Miami Heat Coach ERIK SPOELSTRA in the midst of frenetic huddles at the ongoing NBA Playoffs.  And when Coach Spoelstra mentioned 'Go Ahead Man, TAKE US HOME', he acquiesced to the idea of his superstar player Jimmy Butler that he will take of the ball within one second⏳⏳⏳
And this leads us to family dynamics.  If there is something we fear, its being hit with a crisis within the family.  And indeed that period when crisis hits our family can be a period of heightened family tension and imbalance that would necessitate quick remediation or action no less.  And this is where the head of the family and/or the couple themselves taking over the reins of the crisis situation.  And while a crisis may present an opportunity for positive change, things DON'T shape up that way most of the timeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
A crisis is, in fact, a time for families, and especially the head of the family, to discover and strengthen his/her problem-solving skill that will tested to the hilt in an intense crisis when the usual methods of coping fail.  Once a family crisis gets resolved constructively, it is expected that most of the families will find themselves strengthened by the experience and that makes them better prepared for life's next challenge.  But what this tell us?  Regardless of the size of the concerned family, the onus and the biggest chunk of weight of responsibilities will always rest on the shoulders of the head of the family, the very couple co-managing the family.  The last thing we want to happen is for things to end up in a downward spiral⏳⏳⏳
This is where PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY kicks in.  And in a crisis, the first reactions of the head of family or the couple itself will be most critical in a stress-producing situation.  In fact, a crisis is an UPSET IN A STEADY STATE causing a disruption or breakdown in an individual's or family's usual pattern of functioning.  And to the head of the family, he will find out that the usual ways of coping DON'T work all the time✅✅✅
The biggest risk in the tightly knit family structures we have, it's like we have all our eggs in one basket.  If any of the actions by the head of family goes hayward, that drags the family's situation to go down south.  But if he deftly handles crisis situations, all we would hear will be a resounding 'GO AHEAD MAN, TAKE US HOME'❗❗❗

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