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Sunday, May 14, 2023

What Do You Bring To The Table?

What Do You Bring To The Table?

Oh, this very frequently quoted statement resonates and reverberates across over and over again because it holds water! What Do You Bring To The Table?  You can be student in the academe now OR you're part of the workforce OR you're wooing your 'ideal' lifetime partner OR you're getting into a business venture⏳⏳⏳

Oh, this picture was lifted straight from your fav comic strips but this speaks volumes.  When financially you hit rock bottom, DON'T be surprised if you're asked with this brutally frank question because IT IS WHAT IT IS.  In life, we could be asked this interrogative statement a zillion times especially if we're skidding down, your life-journey going down south.  Unless your trajectory takes a 180-degree turnaround and bounces back from a negative shortfall to a positive note, you better be prepared to spew out the tangible response that will be scrutinized like a needle๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Turns out, one of the most IGNORED boring question is:  WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS?  Many of us have seldom considered this question.  Sure, you might love drawing, your friends might laugh at your jokes, and you might have an impressive collection of THANK YOU notes.  But maybe you have NOT thought of creativity, humor and kindness as your STRENGTHS.  In the various studies by psychologists, the studies show that the strength-based approach lies in its paradigm-shifting capacities before considering their flaws and weaknesses.  In short, let us train our brains๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
In relationships. researches also show that feeling appreciated in a relationship is a significant predictor of whether the relationship endures.  Over time, we can start taking our spouse/partner for granted because when we intentionally train ourselves to see our partner's STRENGTHS and place attention on their good qualities, we begin to see them with 'NEW EYES'✅✅✅
The question I tried to find an answer was this:  WHY DO RELATIONSHIPS FAIL?  Studies show that lack of recognition and appreciation is the most common reason.  A strength-based relationship helps partners to feel being seen and more importantly, appreciated.  But all these are semantics.  So HOW?  Step back and look at your partner with fresh eyes.  Remind yourself of their STRENGTHS.  From thereon, YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING TO BRING TO THE TABLE❗❗❗

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