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Monday, May 1, 2023

Carry Your Own Weather

Carry Your Own Weather

So sorry if you thought today we'll spend time talking about the weather?  Not my turf.  Not even if global warming has NOT taken over us.  Instead, we'd like to spend time as to how we carry on with our daily life.  Are you solely dependent on the weather?  Are your priorities dictated by the environment?  Carry Your Own Weather is what we'd like to push hard because we must live life on our own terms and NOT because of the weather or even the season.  If you're a salesman and December is coming, would you taper off because people are more pre-occupied with Christmas more than anything else?  If you're selling clothes and apparel and you've got a high inventory of winter clothes, will you push them at the dungeons simply because it is now summertime❓❓❓

If you're supervising a team at the workplace, how would they describe your leadership style when things are stormy?  OR when things are calm?  Leaders who CARRY THEIR OWN WEATHER exercise emotional discipline and resist that temptation to allow external dramas to distract them.  When we're triggered in an emotional way, we tend to forget how we should be responding⌛⌛⌛

Studies have shown that in between what happens to us and how we react is a space.  And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response.  Let's accept it that we all experience situations where it's tempting to react quickly and without any thought,  Those are moments when emotions take over us and get us 'hostaged'.  And that is when we should carry our own weather๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Even coming from something messy, we can CARRY OUR OWN WEATHER.  And in this role in our life, we are our own meteorologist who can CHANGE THE WEATHER if we DON'T like it.  And with regard those flash responses, we can consciously calibrate our response to avoid [ANOTHER] regretful revisit later.  And do recognize those flash responses as they DON'T represent how you feel an hour [or a day] later๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
We can even swing to those rough patches in our relationships with our loved ones, and especially with our spouse/partner.  If you need more time to react to an emotional conversation or situation, TAKE IT.  Go for a walk, or do whatever activity that allows you to DISENGAGE from the emotions of the moment.  STOP, THINK and EVALUATE the situation.  CARRY YOUR OWN WEATHER✅✅✅

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