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Friday, May 26, 2023



Yesirrrrrs, this is not to scare you and cause you to fall off from your chair but here's a harsh reality in life.  You are....... As Good As Your LAST PERFORMANCE and there is NO exemption to this rule, NOT even the highest paid star players in the world of sports or within the cruel world of corporate board rooms.  The latest casualty [fresh from the newswires] now is no less than NBA Milwaukee Coach Mike Budenholder.  He was FIRED just a week after his #1 ranked team was eliminated by the #8 ranked Miami HeatπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
You can be the perennial 'A-Lister' in school for several quarters OR the top sales grosser for five straight years or the top employee for donkey years OR your business sales turnover has over-achieved its target for many years OR you have been the most effective CFO juggling the corporate finances despite the myriad of challenges you faced.  BUT UNTIL WHEN❓❓❓
That is the HARSHEST reality ever in life.  You CAN'T rest on your laurels.  You CAN'T remain at the top of the totem pole via the status quo.  You CAN'T dream of being etched on the HALL of FAME because the way to reach that far is, to borrow the NBA jargon, you got to be a GOAT [be the GREATEST PLAYER of ALL TIME]❗❗❗
This poster is spot on, defining GOOD as SOMEONE WHO GETS THE JOB DONE.  If I may add, 'OVER & OVER AGAIN'.  If there's the slightest gap or shortfall, or even a blimp, that's it, you're out of the runningπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Our key takeaways for today?  BE ON YOUR TOES EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.  Moreover, your 5-star performances should be consistent.  This is much tougher than the F1 Formula Race.  WHY?  Because in life, there is NO PIT STOP, NO timeouts, NO respites, nothing, nada.  WHY?  Because you're ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR LAST PERFORMANCE, dude✅✅✅

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