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Friday, May 19, 2023

Think Things Through

Think Things Through

Do we really Think Things Through?  Uhmmm, some may say, SOMETIMES.  Others would react, LET'S NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT IT.  But hey, WHY is THINKING THINGS THROUGH so hard to do?  Procrastinate on thinking out important personal problems and you will [probably] doom yourself to repeat them. Of course, if you wait long enough, your problem MIGHT go away.  REALLY❓❓❓

Sweeping problems UNDER THE RUG is a formula fpr continuing to feel burdened by unresolved problems and/or conflicts.  And that is SO EASY to do.  THINKING THINGS THROUGH can be hard to do.  Thus, it is EASY to skip [frankly, to IGNORE] it.  BUT, dodging problems carries a PRICE TAG.  You'll probably [and VERY LIKELY] keep repeating the same problem [over and over again].  You may then likely to accumulate more pain over time than facing to resolve the problem earlyπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

On the other hand, resolving problems can feel LIBERATING.  You'll gain a big benefit.  And you'll likely have fewer painful recurring problems.  So, here I am, have grabbed this 'THINKING IT THROUGH' sheet.  Very practical, no frills.   But the challenge is whatever cheat sheet you have, you got to commit yourself to follow through it no less.  This is NOT a piece of paper for semantics and documentation.  This is here to likely compel you to do things the right wayπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

If ever you count yourself amongst the millions who selectively put off thinking out and resolving some of their personal problems, the chances are that you may end up to fictionalize reasons for delaying.  In exploring this ART of MISDIRECTION, this does NOT lead you away and farther from that hated world of procrastinators.  Now, let's be fair and square here✅✅✅

That big, huge gaping hole that traps many of us is PROCRASTINATION.  And despite your awareness of PROCRASTINATION, you have your VALID reasons.  MAYBE you DON'T want to stir up unpleasant emotions. MAYBE you feel uncertain about how to approach a problem.  MAYBE you're engaging yourself in defensive tactics.  So, do THINK THINGS THROUGH❗❗❗

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