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Saturday, February 12, 2022

Why Settling for LESS is OK !

Why Settling for LESS is OK !

Everywhere we hear 'DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS" but this is where I will play devil's advocate because that cliche does NOT hold water many times in our life because what matters is our realization that Settling for LESS is OK !  Too bad, our human frailties that veer towards being greedy more often leads us to a clouded judgment, ending up in a misjudgment.  Let's talk Why Settling for LESS is OK !

Couple of superficial reasons should nudge us that Settling for LESS is OK.  First off, 'LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS'.  It's nice to dream and keep up to the level of those Joneses but do face the mirror.  You just can't eat beyond what you can chew.  If you have to go home empty handed after going to the grocery, that's the harsh reality we have to face and accept.  But instead of it being a deterrent, it should ignite and motivation to work with double, triple or even ten times the effort level for you to reach that capability level that will then 'sync up' with the affordability.

Let's deep-dive into relationships.  At that point we are too idealistic, we knew the partner we wanted to be with, for the rest of our life.  At times, our vision for our partner-to be seems to be an epitome of the best attributes we dream of.  Hold back, though.   If you had the highest expectations of your future partner's traits and attributes, reassess yourself and challenge yourself if you possess such level of traits and attributes to begin with.  If you yourself will fall short of the criteria you pre-set for that future partner you have in your vision, RECALIBRATE your criteria and have yours aligned with it.

Truth is, we live a life that is multi-layered.  It is not even straightforward enough from end to end.  There are steep climbs and dangerous traps that will cause you to fall even fatally if you get off track.  Let's look at the work place.  Our clients demand too much.  So do our bosses.  On the other hand, here you are, a passive, laidback worker who never goes on full throttle but instead, someone satisfied enough as long as the engine starts and goes off.

Yesirrrs, that coveted trophy you have in your radar is not a long shot.  BUT it's NOT either a 'walk in the park',  You got to work for it, grind harder, kick your butt much harder than what is normal.  Remember, we should not lose sight of our constant goal, that is to turn things around for us to confidently claim why we won't  settle for LESS ❗❗❗

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