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Saturday, February 19, 2022

When Changing Yourself is NOT Enough

When Changing Yourself is NOT Enough

Ooops this could be a controversial thread to touch but if it's worth it, why not?  Because CHANGE seems to be one of the most casual topics to discuss, let me convince you why this thread is worth it.  It's because many of us attempted and tried to CHANGE from the most petty to the most embedded CHANGE in our life.  End result?  Sixty percent of studies show that such CHANGES failed.  Why?  For various reasons, such CHANGES failed and when it failed, we need to realize what ails us When Changing Yourself is NOT Enough because we cannot leave things as it is when we can read the tea leaves all over the place.

In this challenging and nerve-wracking world, for exigency and for obvious reasons, we expect and need others to change but the caveat here is that for us to keep egging others to push with their own change, more often, there is an endemic need for us to change from within as well.  But diving into this ticklish issue, we need to drill and dice as to why we're facing that resistance to change, even from within ourselves.

Many of us dream to be like SUPERMAN but what have we done for us to deserve replicating that SUPERMAN dream?  So what causes us to resist change?  First off, when the reason for change is UNCLEAR [even to your own self].  Classic example are those who strongly believe the current way of doing things works well.  So you got flip that mindset before even dreaming about CHANGE.  Next, most of us FEAR the UNKNOWN and this is one of the most common reasons for resistance to CHANGE.  Then, that LACK of COMPETENCE creeps in.  With human nature, we seldom admit that if at all.  

Another stumbling block is being CONNECTED to the 'OLD WAYS'.  Being hostaged by old and hackneyed practices requires tremendous amount of effort to swing aroung even oneself.  And then comes LOW TRUST.  If and when you DON'T believe that you can competently manage a CHANGE, forget it.  You're TOAST.  Then that FAD mindset comes in when people think CHANGE is a FAD.  Then you'll have a problem at hand no less.  And how about when you reach that point of either saturation or exhaustion?  When we are overwhelmed by continuous CHANGE, we tend to go with the flow but within our heart, our motivation is LOW.

Yesirssssss IF YOU NEED to HELP YOURSELF, go HELP yourself   Overcome that resistance to change that can stem from perceptions that CHANGE is the last thing to do.  If you yourself feel that you will end up in a worse situation at the aftermath of a CHANGE, then it is highly unlikely that you can even get your own buy-in to CHANGE.  If you yourself is offering that hard core resistance to CHANGE, swing over to the BENEFITS and REWARDS of a CHANGE so you can see things crystal clear enough 📌📌📌

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