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Monday, February 28, 2022

NO Second Chances for First Impressions

NO Second Chances for First Impressions

Guess everyone agrees that First Impressions is Lasting, right ?  Many of us went through first-hand experiences in life, regardless whether that First Impression was so positive or negative.  Either way, that First Impression is frequently the last impression.

Question is, do we need to spend time about First Impressions?   Yesirrrrrs we have to, because many of us could have missed the boat [and likely opportunities] because we missed out ending up with a very positive and impressive First Impressions  that left its mark either to your stakeholders, to your prospective client or to the girl you are earnestly trying to woo.

Not to imply that you were belting out songs so you can create that First Impression to the girl that really caught your heart.  But it happens that this practice is as old as our forefathers.  Each one of us figured it out to create a First Impressions because we were so motivated to realize a coveted result, be it the girl accepting your persistent wooing or your attempt to get into the good graces of stakeholders or your bosses.  And if you are an entrepreneur, surely, you didn't leave a stone unturned to acquire new clients. 

When you were window-shopping for appliances or even laptos, didn't you notice that shops always do their darn best to create First Impressions?  How?  They made sure that the best LCDs with those eye-poppiing resolutions would catch your eye till you get glued to those displays.  And before you know it, here you go, walking into that showroom and asking more inquisitive questions because of First Impressions !

How often have you heard of failed and floping salesmen?  Rarely, right?  Why?  Because they always play out a masterful act of creating First Impressions right from the first minute when he extends his firm handshake brimming in a very relaxed and condensing manner.  But how come some of us have missed creating those First Impressions?  It's because many STILL believe that there are second chances to create First Impressions?  📌📌📌


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