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Friday, February 25, 2022

Why Push the 'BUTTON'

Why Push the 'BUTTON'

Hold on folks, what's the fuss about the BUTTON.  Do we really need to talk about it ?Me thinks, it is a LOUD YES, we got to talk about it because it normally exists and sits in obscurity and yet, it is the very TRIGGER that nails down a mission whether as a SUCCESS or FAILURE, a game as either WON or LOST.  In brief, we need to figure out when and where is that switch at any point in our life to TRIGGER it to materialize as a concrete GAME CHANGER.

Here's one reality in life.  Everyone was readying up to go and drive out of the garage but when the driver finally gets on his seat and presses the ENGINE START/STOP BUTTON, the engine won't start.  And this happened to me just a month ago.  I had to make a frantic call to my favorite battery manufacturer's customer service hotline to arrange for a replacement/delivery.  So there you go.  You can have everything.  You readied up on everything but if PUSHING the BUTTON doesn't move things, nothing literally moves, nothing happens except that you get stuck deep in that mud.

Too bad, that 'BUTTON' gets overlooked many times in our life.  We tend to take it for granted.  We seem to treat it as a given, as just another no-brainer that will happen effortlessly.  No sirrrrrrs.  Anytime in our life, we need to really treasure that 'BUTTON'.  Be it getting the nod from your school professors for you to graduate with honors.  Be it getting the nod from the girl you've been wooing.  Be it getting the nod after a nerve-wracking interview.  Be it achieving a breakthrough for your business to reach the next level.  Be it at the workplace where you're literally praying you'll get the nod for a promotion you've been hungering for.

Where's the shortfall then ? I More often, it is our lazy, laidback and passive mindset when and where we [wrongly] thought that things will simply flip over and run on AUTO-PILOT [no way sirrrrs].  Let's take another very common real-life scenario.  Here you are working on your documents to either migrate or explore working overseas. 
  So, you NEVER leave things to chances.  You NEVER sit back and relax yet.  You NEVER count the chicks even before they are hatched.  You NEVER  wrap things up and [falsely] hope that things will seamlessly flip into your own favor.  Having those kinds of mindset puts you in the same league with the gamblers [whether it's the small-time ones or the big ones like those from the Las Vegas strip].  Why do gamblers remain gamblers ?  It's because they always left things to LUCK & CHANCES.  Not in life though.  You Got to PUSH the BUTTON' if you want to move forward 📌📌📌

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