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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

When Things Get Into the Mud

When Things Get Into the Mud

C'mon. At some point in the past, did we ever get stuck in the mud?  Surely I would guess. I can rattle down a long list of the most common scenarios in life wherein we really ended up getting stuck in the mud  Health issues.  Financial issues.   Work issues.  Business issues.  Even relationship issues.  At some point we were all into that right.  The $64 question is, how did we get to extricate ourselves out When Things Get Into the Mud ?

Oh, you might question me.  Why am I making a fuss out  of this?  Hello yolo.  Yesirrrrs,  Is there no URGENCY that is akin to an EMERGENCY?  I myself, I had one experience in the past where, literally, my car got stuck in the mud and the urgency was just there because had I decided to buy my own sweet time, my car would have gone deeper into the mud.  But if it pertains to other emergencies in life, urgency is not even debatable.

 Problem is, when we are stuck into the Mud, we end up committing silly mistakes.  COMPARING our suffering to others?  REPRESSING negative emotions?  BLAME someone else for your pain?  UNFORGIVING a person who caused you pain?  FAILING to understand that b.  Anything good in life requires some sort of risk or sacrifice.  No one makes through with NO SCARS.  

Without understanding that PAIN, no matter how deep, eventually passes.  Nothing lasts.  Promise, thing will eventually get better.  Unless you understand that at the bottom of every shithole there's buried gold.  Stop trying to climb out and start looking for it.  Now for the HARD WORK.  Come up with three 'life lessons' from your 'shitty situation'.  That is the 'UNFUN' stuff.  It's so much easier to hop online and blame someone and post angry comments.

And DON'T forget to tell yourself that it's actually good that this awful thing happened to you and that maybe you will be grateful for it one day.  Then, REALIZE that you're probably lying to yourself.  Sometimes things just SUCK.  BTW, refrain from STABBING somebody, including yourself.  UNDERSTAND that most things in life are both GOOD and BAD at the same time.  Take a moment to think about all the things in your life that are amazing.  If you can't think of any, THINK HARDER 📌📌📌

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