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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

When You Get Hit with a BRICK on Your FACE

When You Get Hit with a BRICK on Your FACE

Where you ever got hit with a BRICK on your face in the past [not literally though] ? I am quite absolutely sure that regardless of the nature of that 'BRICK that hits your FACE, it would be disastrous and ruinous if not cataclysmic.  A major health issue.  Death in the family.  Major financial crisis.  A major setback in a business.  A relationship issue that may lead to a breakup.  A crisis at work that may lead you either for a disciplinary action or worse, you are given the pink slip.  Just one too many worst case scenarios we dread in life.
Now, to set expectations, we are NOT trying to be SUPERMAN when dealing with our problems.  In fact and in truth, we CANNOT solve our problems but the least we can do is be prepared to deal with the most manageable problems in life.  Here we go.  FINANCIALS.  That problem will never go away because we live in an uncertain world and a financial crisis may just happen at any time in our life.  FIX ?  Acknowledge and accept that crisis and prepare for a RECOVERY PLAN, that's it.

HEALTH.  Oh, this is not far-fetched to happen because our body system works round the clock [even when we're asleep] and worse, if you don't maintain healthy habits, health deterioration is not far to happen.  FIX ?  Besides immediate lifestyle changes, seek medical help ASAP, pronto.  BTW, just more than a month ago, I hit a health crisis but it has now been fixed.
RELATIONSHIP/FAMILY.  Hmmmm, nothing is sweeter than love and family but note it could be a source of PAIN for some because like it or note, we all have human IMPERFECTIONS in our relationships.  FIX ?
Ideally, the best thing to do is prevent those relationship problems from happening but when it does, FACE REALITY and take steps to address such problems because it won't just dissipate in thin air if you thought it will.
Yesirrrrrrs, we need a SECOND LIFE, if we may.  Regardless if the last straw, last thread is about to run kaput, we do NOT have a choice but to FIX and clean up the MESS we are in.  What's a given here is that when a BRICK hits our FACE, let us summon all the remaining energy we have in life because that's near the curtain call ✅✅✅

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