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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Are You DONE Today With What You Planned YESTERDAY

Are You DONE Today With What You Planned YESTERDAY

No sirrrrrs, we have not ran out of topics to discuss but instead, I thought this is one of those low-hanging fruits which most of us tend to ignore because it seems a non-issue.  NOT UNTIL we trip, we stumble, we skid, then we realized that today is another day and how time flies, yesterday is gone and there's no way we can flip the calendar.  So, don't get flustered when someone confronts us if Are You DONE Today With What You Planned YESTERDAY ?  Too bad, these exceptions don't get into our radar.  Probably [or likely because there is always a TOMORROW].

What could explain our lackadaisical and passive behavior when something slipped us ?  Well, this is a no-brainer.  It's simply because there's always a TOMORROW to come.  But are we not aware that supposedly, that come next day, there is a default set deliverables on our plate.  Regrettably, most of us [wrongly] believe that come next day, our plate defaults to EMPTY, whew.

More often, 98% of us all are NOT done yet when the day is over.  This is not a scare though.  Studies have shown that it's pretty acceptable why we can't hit a 100% completion rate when we call it a day.  WHY ?  Because a plan is a plan.  And as defined, plans may be executed to the letter but it doesn't guarantee that the results will end up 100% up to specs, up to expectations.  So where's the beef ?  That worry does not spring up yet come next day. We got to wait for a couple of days to pile up and before we know it, a week or more is over and all we can manage to do is to scratch our head.
No need to do the math.  Let's peruse over the common triggers of slippages in our daily deliverables.  #1 culprit is the fact that we didn't have a list of those deliverables and for the minority who do scribble that list, there is no priority at all.  What else do we expect but slip ups and overflows.  What else ?  More often it boils down to our time management.  Who amongst us allocate slices of his time ?
Oh, BTW, do we agree with this poster.  Me thinks YES.  We can practically do anything but the common storyline is that many are started but not all get completed.  Have we had that eagerness and excitement to start off  with a new task as the adrenalin rush becomes too difficult to stop, only to end up somewhere in a dirt road, finding us slumped when that euphoric feeling has significantly subsided ?  What's our very basic lesson here ?  It all boils down to PLANNING, PRIORITIES and a no-nonsense TIME MANAGEMENT.  Let's go dude ❗❗❗

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