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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Power & Persuasion as Siamese Twins

Power & Persuasion as Siamese Twins

With too many things happening all over us, we tend to overlook the relevance of Power & Persuasion.  But with the myriad of movable parts in our equations in life, we can't deny it that Power & Persuasion are Siamese Twins.  Not really to mean that you are born or vested with power but we are positioning power here only as a variable of the equation.  You may be powerless now but who'll deny that we all hunger for power, whether that power means the power of influence.
Before anything else, we got to admit that your personality will impact your ability to succeed.  If you are outgoing, you will more easily able to reach out to others.  If you are PERSISTENT and PERSUASIVE, you will overcome short term obstacles. If you are curious, you will seek out new knowledge.  If you are happy, often you will make those around you happy and likely to find people interested in helping you.
And your persuasive power impacts your ability to convince others of the wisdom of what you believe.  Sometimes, this persuasive power is detrimental when you convince others to follow a path that was in fact unwise.  A person who has persuasive power is able to convince people to make wise decisions but also to convince people to make unwise decisions.  What this means, besides knowledge, it behooves that we acquire that wisdom to know when someone else would be better off seeking someone else's advice.  That wisdom is more rare tough but as a rough gem, you can take that challenge.
These traits, while providing a guide for us to understand our means to influence someone else or even an organization for that matter would also provide a guide for potential weaknesses within your system.  There is really no advantage to having decisions unduly influenced by those with persuasive power while ignoring ideas from those without much ability to persuade people.  What we really want is to follow what is the best course of action.
Assuming we don't have that POWER yet, that is very fine but we should not default to miss that opportunity to develop our persuasive abilities because that will be the vehicle that will lead you through this mad rat race we're in.  And as your persuasion skills improves by notches, you will realize that in a subtle way, your SPHERE of INFLUENCE will exponentially grow ⏳⏳⏳

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