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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Put Your Own SPIN and Take on It

Put Your Own SPIN and Take on It

Oh, life CAN'T and SHOULDN'T be boring at all regardless of the prevailing circumstance.  And true to form, where we DON'T have to reinvent the wheel but that's NOT the end of the story.  Although it's true we DON'T have to reinvent the wheel, where possible, Put Your Own SPIN and Take on It on top of what you did NOT reinvent.  And that's not even an optional ADD-ON we are pushing for.

Let's talk about dancing.  Don't we have zillions of dances made popular all over the landscape.  Yet, why did TikTok become such a hit? Believe it or not, in 2021, TikTok 'dethroned' Google as the most popular domain.  A year earlier in 2020 Tiktok was ranked No. 7 while Google lorded it over the field.  Why did TikTok skyrocket globally? It's because it Put a SPIN on the dance itself.  The rest is history as the global community did embrace it witj aplomb, dislodging everyone else.

Let's take real-life scenarios.  If you're a student, are you contented just garnering high academic results?  Nope, that is NOT enough.  You gotta put your own SPIN and take on it so that in case of a tight race as the top of the graduating class, you could end at the top of the totem pole.  At your workplace, it is NOT enough that you do all the deliverables on time, on specs and within budget.  You gotta go the Xtra mile to put your own SPIN at work and take on it.  How can you stand out so that you can establish your own imprint in the workplace as someone who really stands out from the crowd?

Truth is, it's nice to be a good apple.  But if you're that apple in that crate, don't you want to stand out as the best apple out there ?  BTW, you don't need to be at the workplace to be able to PUT YOUR OWN SPIN ON IT.  Whatever it takes, figure out how you can end up as the best apple out there.  Just DON'T SETTLE for less.  NOT a second fiddle, where you can.

At the workplace, don't you want to etch your name as "Mr. QUALITY"  even if it means you are getting the ire of some colleagues when you end up catching QUALITY issues in their output.  When you develop that character and reputation to be detailed enough, leaving no stone unturned, that propels yourself to the next level.  And once you get this character-building mindset from within, you can push yourself to the next initiative and there is a likelihood that one foot of yours is already inside as you aim to succeed in your next endeavor 📌📌📌

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