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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Why Mornings are [damn] TOUGH ?

Why Mornings are [damn] TOUGH ?

Happy Sunday !  Oh no, this could a boring topic for you.  Hope not.  Talking about mornings, how TOUGH they can be [regardless of age brackets].  Hmmmm, sorry, I'm not implying that this gif cover is a spoiled brat.  In fact, what we see now is a typical l'il girl going through the motions similar to us adults.  The difference is that these kids are that innocent yet for us adults, there's just NO WAY OUT.

Indeed, this ordeal plagues more adults than kids [TO BE HONEST].  Just look around your household.  Ooooops, no need to look farther.  Let's face the mirror and stare at ourselves.  Aren't we more guilty than anyone else ?  Why do we need to struggle every morning ?  Oh, we have tons and tons of reasons [a.k.a. ALIBIs and EXCUSES].  Oh, I had a bad quality sleep last night.  Because it was stuffy.  Because the aircon seems not cold enough.  Because the neighborhood dogs kept barking.  Because the heavy downpour was so noisy, I was worried of roof leaks, etc.
And BTW, this time around, we can't point our fingers at alarm clocks.  Got tons of it, with all the functionalities smartphones can offer.  In fact, FRANKLY, just to set the alarm clock, we wantonly spend so much time setting it up.  Oh WHAT TIME should I set.  How about the ringtone ?  And the volume ? Ooops, should it be at my bedside ? Or atop my headboard ?  Jeeez.

Yes but of course, we need coffee.  That's a non-issue but what next ?  Damn it, quite simple.  When the alarm clock goes off, COUNT 5-4-3-2-1 to overcome that coziness from your sleep.  Wake up at the SAME TIME everyday.  Develop that DISCIPLINE.  Everyone does have problem with time BUT REMEMBER, the day has just 24 hours.  From the remaining 16-18 hours, you gotta LEARN SOMETHING NEW.  May not be a new skill.  Could be enhancing your KNOWLEDGE BASE.  Could be dissecting this pestering pandemic [instead of shying off from everything about it [because I do admit, we're getting an overdose of it]].
Thing is, SET A GOAL [that's NON-NEGOTIABLE].  What makes us dull, lethargic, listless, sluggish ?  More likely it's because we didn't SET A GOAL for that day.  Many times my wife gets flabbergasted why I wake up damn early during Saturdays, much earlier than business weekdays.  SIMPLE.  I set a goal for the next day [latest before I hit the sack the previous night].  And my goal is crystal clear enough, e.g. I must be at the Citibank premises before 0800am for onsite transactions. Which means, I gotta be driving by 0700am.  Which means, I should be on my fee by 630am.  Which means, my alarm should go off by 0600am.  Presto !  More often, my time-table happens as how I plotted it.  Back to our wake-up woes.  Look deeper for your morning struggles.  Are you wrestling with the same flashpoints day-in and day-out or are they one-off instances [e.g. you just came back from a long-haul travel] ?  Whatever it is, give this a serious thought.  You DON'T want your self-discipline to go from BAD to WORSE, right ?  Shape up please, if you don't mind❗❗❗

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