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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Bang For Your Buck

 Bang For Your Buck

Who doesn't appreciate $$$.  We all welcome $$$.  The huge divide surfaces in the manner we humans want to earn and receive those bucks.  Too bad, many of us want things the EASY WAY, earning $$$ with the least efforts and preferably with very minimal sacrifices, if at all.  There is that very huge disconnect between expectations of most of our population because most of us were shaped and wrongly influenced by the misguided notion that we are all entitled to DREAM BIG and EARN BIG even with minimal efforts, even when just coasting along.

Too bad many of us [even I myself in the past] thought that since you deserve to earn a plum, you can dictate the ounces of efforts to be exerted.  Too bad those days when there were dole-outs left and right are a thing of the past.  As we now exist in a world of meritocracy, we gotta EARN the HARD WAY.  Can't be the EASY WAY in a FAST LANE.  Who claims that since your academic marks are impressive, you deserve a high-paying job role soon ?  Who claims that in your workplace, you deserve to do a quantum leap and overtake the equally deserving tenured ones?

Even for school kids, allowances should not come as easy as 1-2-3.  Even these school kids gotta EARN the HARD WAY no less. Again, even in school, meritocracy should be in the core of it all.  Once our school kids [wrongly] perceive that $$$ can be theirs in that EASY WAY, things can go wayward.  If we pave the roads so damn smooth for the passers-by to walk through with all the comfort, they will [wrongly] think that they deserve that EASY WAY.

Heard of parenting stories wherein the new dad learned the hard way of replacing his baby's diapers ?  Thereafter, when he lifted his baby, he felt that SENSE of FULFILLMENT !  Heard of an office worker who was grinding damn hard at work, being the first to arrive and the last one to shutdown his machine.  When he got promoted, he felt that SENSE of FULFILLMENT !  

Today, INSTANTS are everywhere. INSTANT coffee.  INSTANT noodles.  INSTANT parties.  Ask for it, you will have it EXCEPT one thing.  EXCEPT SUCCESSCAN'T be an overnight thing.  CAN'T be a quick thing.  CAN'T be a one-off effort and voila !  Tears and sweat will have to be combined as you trudge your way towards that treacherous trek towards success.  Work your way up.  Sweat it up.  Please DON'T put all your EGGS of HOPE in those LOTTO stuff, those JACKPOT chances because those are one a million.  And if you do hit gold that easy, gold can drift away that easy as well.  TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED.✅✅✅

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