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Monday, August 9, 2021

Know Where Your 'HIGH-WATER MARK' Is

Know Where Your 'HIGH-WATER MARK' Is

This is easy, finding your HIGH-WATER MARK.  How far can we go ?  What's our threshold ?  What's the farthest we can go.  So where's the beef here ?  Problem is, most of us tend to take it easy when HIGH-WATER MARK becomes our topic.  We paid much lip service to to HIGH-WATER MARK such that for most of us, it is a non-issue, not worth talking about at all. REALLY?

When do we get into the realization that HIGH-WATER MARK really matters ?  Likely, once we're courting danger, when we're finally staking with the risks of getting swamped, drowned or overwhelmed altogether.  Truth is, we should well know our HIGH-WATER MARK like the palm of our hands because our survival hinges on that awareness.  If we miss that out, we're done.

As we may not always be able to anticipate how things happen way too fast, our awareness of our HIGH-WATER MARK becomes damn critical.  Having a feel that our relationship with our loved ones is skidding.  OR our work relationship with our colleagues is going down south.  OR our business is faltering.

Looking back at the huge tsunamis that submerged not just the coastal areas but even its key cities like Sendai City.  What did Japan do to manage and contain the impact of those giant tsunamis ?  It's their full awareness of the HIGH-WATER MARK. That was the barometer of the residents so they didn't need last-minute sirens by the disaster civil forces.  
Looking back into our lives, it's really imperative for us to have a good grasp of our HIGH-WATER MARK because more often than not, whether we manage to swim over [or get drowned], the 'X' Factor is either our awareness [or non-awareness] of our HIGH-WATER MARK.  Let's look at a basic swimmer.  You WON'T swim and cross the English Channel, right ?  You WON'T dare to go at those diving sites, right ?
Lessons in life ?  EAT ONLY WHAT YOU CAN CHEW.  At work, ACCEPT WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE [but remember, you were NOT hired to be mediocre].  In business, you always initiate things as a startup and you DON'T want your business to balloon TOO FAST TOO SOON because you might stumble next before you know it.  LESSON:  Let's take stock of things.  NOT TOO FAST, dude✅✅✅

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