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Thursday, August 19, 2021



 Everyone cherishes being in that POLE POSITION.  We just love those moments, that exhilarating feeling of being 'atop the world'.  Indeed, the world loves winners and heroes.  That explains why the big-time winners and success stories have throngs of communities giving them all the adulation.  And as we are always advised, let's savor every moment then because when we're at the POLE POSITION, everything seems to be effortless akin to being in an auto-pilot mode.
How often do we witness the media-frenzy when a new Miss Universe is crowned, when a new CEO is appointed, when a bemedalled runner romps again with the Olympics gold medal, when a candidate wins in an election, when a university graduate romps up with honors awards, when a businessman continues to see his business expand its footprint.  Just one too many success stories where these winners are savoring every moment BUT here's the BUT.  Good things and good times can't just go on forever.  One day you will slide down from your top pedestal.  Later, you will slip and skid.  Down the road, you will lose that luster.
Once we're at the POLE POSITION, savoring those moments, let us NOT lose sight that we CAN'T rest on our laurels for so long.  The PARTY's got to stop.  You can't celebrate forever.  Too bad there have been horror stories where the winner celebrated like there was no tomorrow until he got DRUNK with SUCCESS, whew !
C'mon, it is imperative that both our feet are always on the ground.  We got to get a handle of what SUCCESS is.  True we do achieve milestone successes BUT that's not the end of our journey.  Just like the old locomotive train, we gotta choog-choog-choog until we reach our endpoint.  Never take your latest promotion at work or your latest sales turnover as the final goal.
Now, before you get knocked off from the TOTEM POLE, here are the very BASICs so as you can PROTECT YOUR SUCCESS:
  • STAY CONNECTED - don't isolate yourself
  • STAY DUMB - by staying constantly curious
  • STAY HUMBLE -  practice HUMILITY.  In between successes, fill a glass, grab a broom✅✅✅

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