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Saturday, August 7, 2021



When i was a 'promdi' decades back, right from Day-1, I knew that if I had to SURVIVE LIFE in the city jungles, I had to grind hard enough.  And as an entry-level with hardly any credentials to boot, I'll admit that bordering that sense of desperation, I was job hunting [with NO FILTERING].  And one of the jobs I ended applying is a sales job where I vividly remember the trainor sharing about that barracuda experiment as part of out training then.

That barracuda experiment ran this way:  They put the barracuda into a big fish tank and that barracuda swam freely in the tank.  The scientist then put a glass panel in the middle of the tank, splitting the tank in half.  The barracuda was then at one side and on the other side, the scientists put in some small fish.  When the barracuda saw that helpless small fish, it kept on attempting to swim over, to prey on that small fish but it got blocked by that glass panel.  After countless times of failed attempts by the barracuda, it eventually gave up chasing that small fish.  By then, the  scientists removed the glass panel.  What happened next defies logic because both the barracuda and the small fish managed to co-exist without the barracuda ever attempting again to prey on that small fish.

Now this elephant story is much older than us all.  That's the story about the baby elephants and the rope wherein when the baby elephants are still small, thin ropes tied them up and during their infancy, they'll struggle and pull at first but eventually they realize that they just can't break the rope.  And they eventually gave up.  Even after those baby elephants grew fast in size to become lumbering giants.  Question is, did they attempt to break out again ?  Nope, never at all.  
Whether we delve on the barracuda story or about the elephant, what's shaping is this compelling and clear moral for us, that is, in life, all sorts of invisible mental ropes exists and even if those ropes are fragile and enough, likely they are holding us back.  By then, we reach on our own conclusions and make or cancel a decision based on those assumptions.  Eventually, we forget to revisit those decisions in the past.  Those SELF-IMPOSED BLOCKERS now become our WASTED OPPORTUNITIES.

What do we do now ?  If we gotta change our mantra in life, JUST DO IT if doing that matters the most now.  The roads where we're travelling are littered with those invisible barriers that even influence and impact our mental conditioning to the extent that more often, that mental conditioning become our SHOW-STOPPERS, unfortunately.  What better way to do than for us to dismantle those SELF-IMPOSED BLOCKERs folks.✅✅

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