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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

When Numbers Plummet

When Numbers Plummet

We may not be math wizards but whether we’re students, workers or businessmen, we’ve got to deal with numbers, like it or not.  In school, come next semester, you would realize your final ratings in your favorite subjects did nosedive.  In business, sales is way below break-even.  At work, your performance measures took a beating. In short,  we just can't runaway WHEN NUMBERS PLUMMET..

So, how do we deal with this situation?  Firstly, you gotta detect the skid that's going on.  After detecting it, you got to RECOGNIZE & ACCEPT it as valid as that's the only way to bring you on to the next step, which is TAKING ACTION.

Imagine you kept throwing all the darts but everything is missing the darts board, whew !  So, if you're ending scoreless, get back and regroup.  How?  Reassess yourself.  Do you need to go for re-training ?  Do you need a coach/trainer ?  Or do you just throw up and abandon things recklessly ?

Move over to financials.  Is your piggy-bank now turned upside down? If so, address the financial issues up front.  If you got to drastically cut down your cash outflow, just cut and cut clean.  If your business is in the doledrums, find the big-ticket items where you need to cut down, e.g. labor? rentals?  In two words, tighten your belt, ASAP.
When you're in the red, financially, this is the payback time to cract that emergency fund you built over time.  No emergency fund ?  That's the most difficult pill to swallow but if you have to learn the hard way, so be it.  I had known an entrepreneur whose food business was growing so fast and before he knew it, he was hiring more staff left and right.  When his NUMBERS STARTED TO PLUMMET, he thought that was a rainfall that will just pass by.  Hell no, before he knew it, his staff abandoned him together with his SINKING SHIP.  Be sharp enough WHEN NUMBERS PLUMMET.✅✅✅

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