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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Are You Onboard the 'HYPE TRAIN' ?

 Are You Onboard the 'HYPE TRAIN' ?

Hype Trains ?  They're everywhere. So many things in life now get HYPED and its for our taking.  And since those are HYPE TRAINS, it's normal that they are very much inducing, inviting and enticing.  And these HYPE TRAINS, they have tons and tons of tricks up in their sleeves to TRICK us.  And what's the HIT or MISS record of these HYPE TRAINS ?  We won't believe it but easily, at least 50% of us easily do fall prey to these HYPE TRAINS.  And have you seen these trains in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh ?  You might have second thoughts once you do see these trains.  Not to worry though. HYPE TRAINS are much better than all these.

So what's the fuss about these HYPE TRAINS? It's because not everything hyped to be really nice and dandy are indeed nice and dandy.  How many times in our lives have we been DECEIVED, DEFRAUDED or DUPED ?  Surely, we were duped more than once in our lives.  Duped by all these HYPE TRAINS. HYPE TRAINS we wrongly believe in.  HYPE TRAINS who were smooth-talkers !!!!  Poor us.

How not to get DUPED or DECEIVED ?  Numero UNO, we may disagree if we are tagged as GULLIBLE so i'll figure out a more 'palatable' adjective.  Let's then admit that most of us are OVERLY TRUSTING who tend to swallow the stories of dupers and fraudsters hook, line and sinker.  

From folks who pour bucks into investment scams, to those who follow the faith of scientologists, believing in [mis]fortune tellers, or those who seem to champion unfounded medicines akin to snake oil, out of naive trust, it's not a matter of low intelligence that moves us to, without evidence, believing in the words of salesmen amongst others.
One thing we gotta remember. We won't hear the last from HYPE TRAINS.  One too many of them are scattered all over the place [in fact all around us].  What should be our top priority now is to figure out is do we tend to be drawn to gullible behavior so that by knowing that, we can end up LESS GULLIBLE and LESS duped by HYPE TRAINS.  In the shortest words, we need to figure out HOW WE CAN BE TAKEN LESS LIKELY again ✅✅✅

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