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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Do Something You DON'T Normally Do

Do Something You DON'T Normally Do

How's life in this pandemic ?  The chorused refrain we will hear will be.... BORING, BUMMER, COLORLESS, DULL, HO-HUM, LIFELESSMONOTONOUS, STALE,  UNEXCITING, name it, you will run out of adjectives. BUT didn't we notice something ?  That most of us [and that includes me many things] have been doing the same things over and over again.  Do we now pass the blame to this pandemic ?  Let's turn things around.  Had there been no pandemic a year and a half ago, would things have turned out different in our lives ?  Would we be doing things today we DON'T normally do in life ?

I have to defer and disagree.  Had we not been hit by this pandemic, there is a 99% likelihood that till today, we still keep doing things that we normally do.  Which is fine per se but how about pursuing 'unnormal things' normal people do ?  Simply put, why can't we do things beyond what is normal for us?  You might stomp and question me as to why we should do things we DON'T normally do ?

Let's go into our household.  True our wifey has been the in-charge of everything related to cooking but the question, why didn't you attempt learning to cook ?  If your wifey has been going to the wet market, would it have helped you if you joined her going to the wet market as well?

In simple analogy, our bed is one of our favorite COMFORT ZONES.  Many of us are struggling to rise up every morning.  Yet we all fail to realize that, THAT BED could represent our entire life.  The problem though doesn't get fixed when you finally rise up from bed.  That problem could linger the rest of 'wake up' hours because we're afraid you might be left doing things that you do normally do ONLY ?

Now for the STRAIGHT TALK.  There are just two zones in our life, namely, the COMFORT ZONE and the OPPORTUNITY ZONE.  Obviously, there is a third zone a.k.a. DANGER ZONE.  Now, it's your call.  Do you want to remain stacked in your COMFORT ZONE ?  Or are you nursing hopes for OPPORTUNITIES ?  Or, do you still want your business to grow ?  Your career to progress ?  Yourself to achieve that SUCCESS Trophy atop Mt Everest ?  Then, DO SOMETHING YOU DON'T NORMALLY DO.❗❗❗

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