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Friday, August 20, 2021

Taking a Step Back is NOT That Bad

Taking a Step Back is NOT That Bad

Who says we should NOT retreat and NOT take a STEP BACK ?  Only the naysayers I guess but unfortunately, we're easily swayed and influenced by those at the other side of the fence.  Too bad we hear more often that taking a STEP BACK is a manifestation of DEFEATISM, HOPELESSNESS, NEGATIVISM and in the shortest statement, raising the 'white flag' to RETREAT & SURRENDER.  But that's not what stepping back really is.
All those arguments are all traceable back to cynicism when in fact, more often, all we need is a timeout, a break, a temporary respite from being in the middle of those struggles.  A timeout literally stops the clock from ticking.  And once it stops ticking, that gives us the time to re-energize and regain our drained 'battery strength'.
Whether it's about your relationship, your business, your career or even your health, there will be crossroads in our life when we need to make a call, for us to STEP BACK. Too bad we developed that very WRONG idea that the only direction is UP and any other direction is a FAILED one.
How then do we handle things if we are in a quandary ?  #1, DON'T ever go for a quick fix.  There's NO SHORT CUT, only a SURE CUT.  #2, re-evaluate and reassess things all over again, top-down and if you need to flag down yourself for misguided decisions, so be it.  #3, DON'T SECOND-GUESS yourself.  When forced to make decisions that force you from your comfort zone, FEAR REARS its UGLY HEAD.
Do note that although changing paths is scary, the cost of sitting on your hands doing nothing about your unhappiness is much worse for you.  Studies showed that sticking it out DESPITE YOUR UNHAPPINESS can lead to illness or emotional exhaustion.  So, rather than dwelling on the time you'll lose, look ahead at the challenges that can boost your happiness, leaving you fulfilled every day.  Despite the dark clouds, the SUN is behind it.  All we need to do is look at that 'BIG PICTURE'. ❗❗❗

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