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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Keep 'THAT FIRE' Burning

Keep 'THAT FIRE' Burning

Who says we should PUT OUT THE FIRE ?  We're not referring to the bush fires and wild fires.  Instead, we're referring to that 'FIRE' in our lives which forever should KEEP BURNING.  Why ?  Because that FIRE KEEPS US GOING.  When that fire stops, it's not far fetch to claim that our life stops as well.  WHY ?  Now, if there's FAST TALK, we got a FAST CHECK.  How's your MOTIVATION ?  Is it going down ? How's your ENERGY ?  Do you feel it's getting drained ?  How's your INTENSITY?  Can you feel that it's waning 
These are tell-tale signs that your fire is not burning as it should be.
Now, if your answer for any of those questions is a resounding NO, those are the alarm bells that means you gotta take action NOW.  You need to 'arrest the skid', now that things are slowing down at your end.

Who wants to feel so DOWN ?  So DRAINED ?  So DEMOTIVATED ?  Thing is, NEVER WAIT to reach that point when you get drained or demotivated.  You should have taken action when things were slowing down.  Just like the running vehicles, things will become damn difficult when the vehicle gets stalled and its battery conks out.
So WHY do we need to KEEP THE FIRE BURNING ?  We need FUEL to BURN, AIR to SUPPLY OXYGEN, HEAT to START, FRICTION to IGNITE the ENGINE.  When THAT FIRE is waning, what do we do ? ASK ourselves, what and where are we passionate at ?  What are our STRENGTHS ?  What is/are our goals and how far are we to achieve, not that ultimate goal but at least a milestone ?  It's like aiming to save $1Mn [which could take forever].  So why not set milestone targets each time you reach $10k ?
How about our relationships ?  Are those sweet moments turning to boring ones ?  How about our work ?  Are day-to-day routines becoming boring ?  Whether it's our relationships or our work, GET OUT of that ROUTINE. Be creative.  Be inventive.  Ask yourself, what task can you perform at work such that it will make your day ?  It's NOT rocket science to KEEP THAT FIRE BURNING folks.❗❗❗

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