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Saturday, July 20, 2024



Do we agree that Your SUCCESS Is Your CHOICE? I could agree NO LESS because it is us ourselves WHO will define and dictate our path to SUCCESS.  Straight from university, deep in my heart, I wanted to be a lawyer.  And with a partial [50%] scholarship, I was admitted to our country's recognized #1 law school.  BUT instead of progressing through my law studies, I was one confused fellow even WHILE I was approaching the crossroads of my life📗📙📘

That time, it's true I wanted to be a lawyer, dreaming to be a legitimate blue chip one by starting my path right from the portals of my country's #1 law school.  HOWEVER, early on, I had an opportunity to join global giant SHELL Group as a technology trainee.  Then, within my fingers, I started to count the years until I become a full-fledged lawyer, that is, IF EVER, I will hurdle all the pains and sacrifices going UP THE LADDER.  Then I did an apples-to-apples comparison if I joined SHELL.  Will it take me approximately the same five years to be successful in my fledgling career @SHELL versus my aspirations to be a lawyer💦💦💦
So, it was a runaway no-brainer decision I had to make simply because I was confident that in a year or two [max], I would reap the first 'tranche' of financial dividends early in my career WHEREAS had I pursued my 'lawyer' aspirations, on the barest minimum, I need to clock out five solid years based on multiple optimistic assumptions that will pave the way for me to graduate from law school and hurdle the bar examinations. Based on practical reasons, I made that decision and that defined my path towards that path of SUCCESS.  In a nutshell, you CAN'T blame your parents or any Tom, Dick and Harry if you got waylaid in that eventual SUCCESS [or FAILURE] that resulted💧💧💧
In summary, SUCCESS could mean different things to different people. And even within the same person, the path towards SUCCESS can change and swing depending on that person's decision [regardless if it was an informed decision OR not].  In brief, SUCCESS is defined by WHO we are, WHAT we believe in, and WHAT we think it means to be SUCCESSFUL.  For some, it is money,  For others, relationship matters.  For others, it's family.  For others, it's jobs.  For some, it's religion💥💥💥
Our takeaway:  SUCCESS is possessing that capability for self-determination, which is defined as the ability to decide WHAT you WANT to do in your life and then, to act on that DECISION.  Hold on. SUCCESSFUL people need NOT SUCCEED all the time.  They will definitely experience setbacks and failures along the way, perhaps MORE than the LESS SUCCESSFUL ones.  WHY? Because they take more risks and the higher the volume of risks you take, the frequency increases.  In a nutshell, YOUR SUCCESS IF YOUR CHOICE, dude❗❗❗

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