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Monday, July 22, 2024

Know Your WORTH

Know Your WORTH

To Know Your WORTH is NOT all about $$$$$$$$, NO sirrrrs.  In life, one's WORTH is valued in terms of $$$$$ only by a very small 1-digit percentage of the whole.  WHAT matters and WHAT is worth is at the very least 90% which is comprised of all the intangibles you have which could be a long list like, as follows:

  • HOW your trusted friends VALUE you
  • HOW your family and loved ones VALUE you
  • HOW you honestly VALUE yourself with no bias
  • HOW the lower tier of your community VALUE you
  • HOW your organization and colleagues VALUE you
  • HOW your character's VALUE has been tried and tested
Thing is, that concept of SELF-WORTH comes down to feeling that you are a GOOD person WHO deserves to be treated with respect.  If you VALUE yourself, you inherently feel that you are kind, compassionate and respectful and are worthy of those same things in return.  Aligning ourselves to our own self-worth allows us to move into more actionable steps that grow and nurture that worth.  This is done through self-value.  While SELF-WORTH seems more emotional, experts claim that SELF-VALUE is more behavioral.  This is where we take the foundation of HOW we feel about ourselves and put it to work.  SELF-VALUE align with WHAT we value📌📌📌
Psychologists advise us that SELF-WORTH is at the very core of our being.  It is HOW we step into our life and our purpose and HOW we develop our worthiness as human beings.  We can also argue that a healthy sense of SELF-WORTH is highly responsible for the decisions we make, relationships we establish and foster and the life paths we choose to thread💚💜💛
So, the $64 question is, HOW do we value ourself?  Psychologists assure us that this is NO rocket science.  To start with, we need to acknowledge our 'INNER CRITIC'.  We all have that loud inner voice that ISN'T always 'KIND'.  It interjects WHEN we have ideas and projects at hand, and it often persuades us from taking that LEAP OF FAITH or believing in ourselves.  The experts caution us if it is left unchecked, our 'INNER CRITIC' can have an effect on our self-esteem💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  We agree it's NOT always easy to show up in life.  We DON'T always stop to examine just HOW much effort we put forth in everyday living.  And one way to VALUE yourself more is to be grateful for everything you do.  True, it is easy to be critical and wish you'd done better BUT you're always doing the best that you can.  Let us keep that up and celebrate even the SMALL WINs, even those little progress. And WHEN you have those shortfalls and mistakes, we are encouraged to consistently practice FORGIVENESS to our own selves.  On the same breadth, when others hurt us, we should practice FORGIVENESS.  Psychologists declare that FORGIVENESS is the free remedy that can alleviate so much of our suffering WHEN we hold onto bitterness.  So, to KNOW OUR WORTH, let us improve our SELF-WORTH consciousness💥💥💥

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