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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Thinking BIG? Fine, BUT Where Are You Now?

Thinking BIG?  Fine, BUT Where Are You Now?

Thinking BIG?  Fine, BUT Where Are You Now?  NOT to be blunt about DREAMS because DREAMING BIG & BIGTIME is very laudable.  Problem is if we face the harsh truth, a plurality, if NOT majority of us all,  we end up stalled and stuck in those BIG DREAMS with nary a significant progress to boot.  This brings us to our modest goal today, to share those TINY-TINY things we can adopt OR initiate.  And those TINY habits will NOT cost you anything in terms of monies.  And in terms of efforts to be exerted, the fact these are TINY habits, the efforts to be exerted will be very much minimal, if at allπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

MAKING SOMEONE's LIFE EASIER - Yes, this seems easier said than done.  Case in point.  In the past, when a team member seems to fumble at work, I'll question WHY?  These days, my retort is:  DO YOU NEED A TRAINING REFRESH?  

TASK LIST & PRIORITIZATION - NO task list and NO priorities?  You'll be dead in the water.  Next question is:  HOW to prioritize?  Push on top of the list the HIGH-IMPACT tasks requiring the least OR minimal efforts

WATCH YOUR TASK LIST - It's NOT just about having a TASK LIST & PRIORITIESWHAT IF often you DON'T complete 80% to 90% of your tasks & priorities?  WHAT it means you need to tweak the way you do your TASK LIST & PRIORITIES.  At the end of the day, RESULTS matter and no less than that.

NEVER SHOOT FROM THE HIP - Take time to reach on informed decisions.  DECISIONS arising from emotions is a NO-NO

STRESS MANAGEMENT - STRESSED in a task?  Figure it out and fix it ASAP.  STRESSED at work.  Figure out WHY and face it frontally.  If it is a task, is it because you were ill-prepared for it?  Can you request for a buddy OR mentoring?  

EXCESS MANAGEMENT - anything in EXCESS is a NO-NO.  EXCESS eating.  EXCESS alcohol/smoking.  EXCESS social life.  EXCESSIVE & frivolous spending.  If you need to CUT IT DOWN, CUT & CUT CLEAN

Our takeaway:  NEVER DREAM to live a problem-free life.  If you need to RESET your expectations in life, please do RESET.  And much as it is so good to AIM HIGH, be wary of the attendant risks to AIM HIGH because of the higher risk of failing to attain such lofty goals.  Where possible, endeavor to be pragmatic in life.  If you got a hundred issues and problems, can you scrape at least the 10% fraction that will need the least efforts and resource [including time] you can spend on it?  Shedding off 10% may look like scratching the surface but look at it from any perspective, 90% is lower than 100%.  So, YES, you can THINK BIG but WHAT matters is HOW far and HOW fast can you progress😐😐😐

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