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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why PREMATURE JUDGMENT Continues To Persist?

Why PREMATURE JUDGMENT Continues To Persist?

Why PREMATURE JUDGMENT Continues To Persist? Supposedly, that is a non-issue BUT it is a very legitimate one.  WHY?  Because it is so chronic, so deeply embedded in our daily lives such that it's been pestering us day-IN day-OUT.  With that chronic recurrence, is the end in sight for PREMATURE JUDGMENT to finally become a thing of the past?  Can we dump it, throw it out the window because it does NOT give any value-add to our daily lives.  Instead, it is the cause of frictions that turn to full-blown quarrels and conflicts till our emotions will prevails over our civility, for whatever is left๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
The mother of all problems is that because of the persistence of this PREMATURE JUDGMENT hovering over our heads like a sword. the fear of judgment suddenly sprouts from the ground, all because of one seed dumped out of the window.  And that becomes the basis for social ANXIETY.  WHEN others view us in negative light, there may be harmful consequences such as loss of social status, conflict or worse, even rejection๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง
Now, NOT to wash our hands from dirt,  but even historians claim that our fear of JUDGMENT is an innate instinct as even primitive humans learned that socially unacceptable behavior led to being kicked out of their tribe.  Rejection from the group then exposes an individual to dangerous animals or their rival tribes.  That ability to obtain shelter and adequate food and water is diminished WHEN existing alone.  And those WHO disregarded prosocial behavior were banished from the tribe and likely faced premature death๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
In the light of all these, fear of JUDGMENT from others can serve to keep us on the straight BUT narrow path.  That fear of NEGATIVE evaluation becomes justified WHEN it keeps us alive and society is somehow civilized enough.  BUT here's the catch.  Present day humans fear JUDGMENT in ways that extend beyond these arguments, sometimes perhaps unnecessarily.  Beliefs related to being boring, awkward OR uninteresting are common JUDGMENTS that people with social anxiety fear from those they interact with๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
Our takeaway:  Call it evaluation OR judgment BUT when it is PREMATURE, it remains PREMATURE as such.  Again, let's NOT look farther from our everyday realities.  Beliefs related to being boring, awkward OR uninteresting are common judgments that people with social anxiety fear from those they interact with.  Simply put, JUDGMENTS are conclusions made from the information on hand at that moment in time.  From our end, if only to reduced our anxieties in life, let us understand and appreciate that premature JUDGMENTs are NOT totally figments of one's imagination.  The challenge is for us to counter it, so PREMATURE JUDGMENTs will not run unabated❎❎❎

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