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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Who Cares If the Alarm DOES NOT Go OFF?

Who Cares If the Alarm DOES NOT Go OFF?

Can we live our daily lives with NO alarm clock?  Sounds like a threat?  Indeed it is.  BUT WHAT's the probability that that alarm clock will NOT GO OFF?  Very low probability indeed.  BUT here's the challenge.  Who Cares If the Alarm DOES NOT Go OFF?  In the first place, CAN'T we survive without the alarm clock?  It seems almost everyone of us [WHO got 'hostaged' in this rat race] believe [BY DEFAULT] that we CAN'T live without the alarm clock.  THAT's just untrue, a fallacy, a sheer figment of our convoluted thinking.  Let's look back at the previous generations, alarm clocks were simply non-existent all through those yearsπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

WHO's to blame?  Blame it to technologies?  Because all Androids and iPhones have showered us with all the alarm clock functionalities [WHEN in truth, all we need is the alarm sounding OFF].  Indeed, the term 'RISE AND SHINE' is much easier said than done.  And if you're currently finding yourself struggling to wake up practically every morning [UNLESS the alarm goes OFF], then you're in the right page of our blog today.  WHY❔❔❔

Because we want to challenge everyone to just dump out their windows that alarm clock OR simply disable those mobile phone alarms.  WHAT would happen next?  That will be the most exciting part because with sheer optimism, our sense of responsibility will likely spike with nary an effort.  Suddenly, everyone will be so conscious with this challengeπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

To make things hypothetically simple, let's assume all alarm clocks worldwide will NOT function due to a calendaring issue [just like way back in 1999 WHEN there was a GLOBAL PANIC that our legacy programs will suddenly grind to a halt because of that dreaded Y2K issue.  I'm sure this will trigger undue anxieties, with everyone worried if they will wake up in time for their next day schedules✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  Anytime we should comfortably and permanently disable those smart phone [and even feature phones] alarm functionalities because our behaviors which evolved as habits are NOT a lost cause at all.  All it takes is our intestinal fortitude to frankly tell ourselves that starting next morning, the routine RISE & SHINE will be triggered by our self-discipline.  I vividly remember my English High School teacher's advice to the worsening tardiness issue.  WHEN YOU WAKE UP, RISE UP.  That's WHEN WHO CARES IF THE ALARM DOES NOT GO OFFπŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

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