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Friday, July 19, 2024

Listen To Yourself [MORE THAN From Anyone Else]

Listen To Yourself [MORE THAN From Anyone Else]

GUESS WHAT is our biggest problem today, regardless of culture, country and religion?  Yes dude, we got a big, huge, enormous problem at hand.  All because of the cacophony of stuff we hear from technology, from social media, yes from the internet [regardless of the speed's slowness even in the remote villages of the Third World.  So, WHAT's really our problem, dude?  Frankly, our pestering problem everyday is HOW to Listen To Yourself [MORE THAN From Anyone Else] because UNTIL and UNLESS we rectify that huge disconnect, we're all on the same path in that OFF-TRACK path leading further down and deep into the dungeons and backwater canals, till we get stuck in itπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

All along, we have been wailing and whining about disciplining children.  Yet, here's a sensitive question that might hit your raw nerves.  Should disciplining be limited to children?  BUT living in this chaotic universe, should we need to improve in LISTENING to ourselves?  And WHEN I stumbled on this topic, WHAT hit me hard was the statement 'DO YOU ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR CONSCIENCE?' !@#$%?

And browsing through numerous write-ups with regard FOLLOWING one's conscience, indeed I realized that we will NEVER go wrong because it simply translates to following the right path.  And to play devil's advocate here, it is different if we only depend on the thoughts in our head.  To quote the psychologists, our MIND has indications to reveal even UNTRUTHS.  Our MIND has indications of NOT speaking the TRUTH.  And as a result, we sometimes state something that is NOT based on facts at all OR worse, we end up lying❎❎❎

To reference a particular research by experts, WHEN an individual makes a DECISION, and he does NOT use OR heed his conscience BUT only relies on the thoughts in his head, it is very likely that the results of the decision tend to be based on emotional DECISIONS instead of an objective DECISION.  Back to my years WHEN I was in High School, WHAT did my conscience tell me?  It is to pursue my studies with the end view of finding a fixed income jobπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Our takeaway:  Let us develop that skills for inner dialogue wherein we talk to ourselves, trying to identify and express our feelings without judging OR criticizing oneself.  And that inner dialogue can be reinforced with one's SELF-CONFIDENCE because SELF-CONFIDENCE will bring us wisdom in making DECISIONS, SELF-CONFIDENCE will give us the courage to say something true, SELF-CONFIDENCE will lead us to sincerity.  Dude, let us LISTEN TO OURSELVES [MORE THAN FROM ANYONE]πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

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