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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Why LOVE Should Be Effortless

Why LOVE Should Be Effortless

Is it true that LOVE should be effortless?  Yes dude, I fully and unequivocally subscribe to this.  WHY do we need to push ourselves to the edges of the cliff, all because of LOVEWHY move mountains, all because of LOVE? WHY sacrifice yourself and your soul, all because of LOVEWHY tons of sweat need to be exerted, all because of LOVE?  Indeed, Why should LOVE be Effortless?  This will be an exciting debate because surely, a plurality, if NOT  a majority of us, would have exerted tons of efforts till to date, all because of LOVE?  Regrettably, why does our life need to reach the precipice of life wherein all these are needed to fix what is damaged📗📙📘

Let's NOT look very far back in life.  ISN'T it initially, LOVE was EFFORTLESS?  Even when fueled and punctuated by infatuation, lust and excitement, it's still EFFORTLESS.  Then, over time, the need for EFFORT in love arises.  All because we accumulate grievances and it's true, experience does hurt too.  We then hold on to pain, we tend to hold on to the past, and every time we meet, it is our past that seems to meet.  In the end, many of us ebd up struggling to let go, forgive and move on.  Then, without that overriding force of initial lust to mitigate the pain, we then exert extra EFFORT to sustain the relationship.  Sadly, that situation pushes us to ask ourselves, why does that situation need to worsen and go that far❓❓❓

Psychologists caution us that this situation is NOT limited to romantic relationships alone.  BUT that this is prevalent across all forms of human connections, whether it be at work, in business or in our social life.  The commonality across all these is that we get hurt OR feel that hurt because of our expectations.  And in layman's terms, heartbreak is the consequence of those expectations being unfulfilled.  This could be a play of words but as poets would love to say it, in TRUE LOVE there is NO heartbreak because heartbreak only exists due to BROKEN demands, BROKEN expectations, BROKEN hopes, BROKEN ego💦💦💦
So, as we live in a world of 'pros and cons', of instant gratification, of swiping left OR right even within relationships, regardless whether one will stay OR go, the truth is we want things to be rosy all the time. So, this is not debatable, that we all want our relationships to be effortless💥💥💥
So, WHEN will LOVE be effortless?
  • WHEN we commit to loving ourselves first and foremost
  • WHEN we listen to understand rather than listen to speak
  • WHEN we focus on WHAT's working rather than WHAT's NOT
  • WHEN we see that it's our thinking that determines our state of mind and NOT WHAT our partner does OR does NOT do

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