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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Some Things AREN'T Worth Your Time

Some Things AREN'T Worth Your Time

In life, we sometimes, even unknowingly, spend our TIME & ENERGY on something that DOESN'T give much return or benefit to us.  And it's very exhausting and depleting if we are doing them for months and even donkey years.  That's WHY it's best to let go of things and behaviors that DON'T serve us.  In truth and in fact, realistically, Some Things AREN'T Worth Your Time regardless if people are telling you that it's Worth Your TimeπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Culling from my past years, please allow me to share those things, situations and habits which I personally think are Things NOT worth my time:  Primero, I realized that being a PERFECTIONIST [which I really was, before] was one of my missteps.  Please DON'T get me wrong.  Striving to be perfect at something is NOT necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, it's a noble aimπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

However, the problem starts when you never finish your endeavor or project because you feel that it still needs 'something'.  This becomes even worse WHEN you are starting off doing something.  Been there.  Was once a perfectionist.  NOT after I fumbled and got frustrated when I realized that NOT everything is 'PERFECT'πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Segundo, STOP DWELLING IN THE PAST.  Whether it's being nostalgic about past glory or being regretful about missed opportunities, there are NO benefits in LIVING IN THE PAST.  On top of that, constantly regretting your PAST brings nothing but anxiety, misery, sadness and frustration.  The worst thing is that when you are always LIVING IN THE PAST, you are unaware of the PRESENT, which then tends to also obscure the future❗❗❗

Tercero, DON'T HOLD GRUDGES.  Constant feeling of resentment towards some 'bad' people who did wrong to you, it gets you stuck in NEGATIVE emotions, preventing you from moving forward.  On top of that, you are giving permission to 'STAY IN YOUR HEAD', leading you to feel more resentful towards others.  Cuarto.  DON'T BE IN A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP.  To be with TOXIC people is never good, when you are in a relationship.  The only things you'll get out of those relationships are emotional exhaustion, constant arguments and worse, even traumas, leading you to accumulate your anxiety and worse, you'll get those lifelong regrets.  Some things AREN'T Worth Your Time ❎❎❎

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