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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Should Our Life Be An OPEN BOOK?

Should Our Life Be An OPEN BOOK?

Many of us say proudly that our life is an OPEN BOOK and that is perfectly fine.  NOTHING is hidden.  WHAT you see is WHAT you get.  And that's laudable.  And no less than celebrities live their lives like an OPEN BOOK.  Except WHEN they opt NOT to.  And again, that's perfectly fine.  BUT the question that bothers me is HOW FAR and HOW OPEN should our book of life be?  And I'll quickly quip:  This may sound awkward BUT NOT ALL please.  NOT all our 'private parts'.  Now, we can argue days and weeks on this.  Should Our Life Be An OPEN BOOKπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

With social media all over us, we CAN'T be totally blamed but again, it's our own judgment call and prudence dictates that we leave some things in our life within our own confines.  WHY?  Because sometimes people might dare to make trolls.  Because sometimes we have our own dark or darkest parts in our life which are left to be kept as such.  So, YES, no problem for us to be an OPEN BOOK but be selective enough about choosing the area where you should OPEN UP and WHEN NOT. It's true most celebrities live life like an OPEN BOOK but let's NOT put ourselves alongside their pedestalsπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Looking at many sharings across our iives, we should NOT be an OPEN BOOK everywhere even we can be wrong WHEN trust creeps in because 'snakes' can be hidden inside of any person and when they mess, it's likely they might bite you and that bite could be poisonous like snake bites so we need to be careful to trust someone around us.  This is NOT always necessary to be open up so try to avoid being an OPEN BOOK and be one, ONLY IF NECESSARYπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

If there is one place WHERE being an OPEN BOOK is never going to be bad OR worse, that one place is our own prayers to our respective Gods, WHERE nothing is hidden.  Frankly, it is a fact of life that sometimes people around us sometimes get jealous seeing our HAPPINESS and burst out with jealousy. That's the mother of all ironies.  After we become transparent by becoming an OPEN BOOK, we will end up bearing the brunt of jealousy from others.  Sometimes when we share sorrows, a 'hater'  masked as a 'friend' can seem to commiserate with our woes BUT deep inside, your guess is as good as mine❎❎❎

BUT things have really gone BERSERK.  Many of us just CAN'T save things within.  A hot date.  A recent promotion.  OR even the weather.  Whatever it is, people will always tell others too much.  This may seem fine on the surface BUT it isn't.  We shouldn't tell people EVERYTHING.  When we tell people things WITHOUT A FILTER, you're putting yourself in a vulnerable position.  How many lives have been ruined by unexpected betrayals?  The uncomfortable answer is 'A LOT'.  So, please do re-think things a hundred times SHOULD OUR LIFE BE AN OPEN BOOK❗❗❗

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