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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Skepticism Vs Cynicism

Skepticism Vs Cynicism

Skepticism Vs Cynicism are often getting mixed up because of the very thin line that separates them.  BUT before we get mixed up, we're all skeptics and CYNICS in some aspects of our lives.  Having a 'jaundiced' view of politicians is quite understandable BUT in a business or in relationships, CYNICISM can be a deathknell💴💷💵

While a SKEPTIC questions the world about him and seeks the truth while basing his own opinions on the most recent, most credible facts.  In contrast, a CYNIC feels NO need to seek the truth because they believe they already possess it.  Yes, CYNICS are without faith, yet they have absolute certitude of the validity of their beliefs📗📙📘

Skeptical contrarians question conventional wisdom, where appropriate, BUT not as a reflexive response.  They ZIG when everyone is ZAGGING.  A SKEPTIC accepts conventional wisdom until presented with information that leads him to a different opinion.  In contracts, CYNICS reject conventional wisdom outright, without analysis or a studied critique.  Being SKEPTICAL of conventional wisdom is healthy and can lead to the discovery of opportunities.  However, studies show that CYNICISM seem to automatically reject conventional wisdom is intellectually lazy and foolish💎💎💎

And according to researches, the highest form of SKEPTICISM is to be a SELF-SKEPTIC.  Successful entrepreneurs accomplish this by overcoming confirmation bias which psychologists define as "A TENDENCY TO SEARCH FOR OR INTERPRET INFORMATION IN A WAY THAT CONFIRMS ONE'S PRECONCEPTIONS, LEADING TO ERRORS".  Unlike a CYNIC who is certain everyone is wrong, the only thing a self-skeptic is assured of is that they might go wrong✅✅✅

But let me clarify this out.  At some points in our life, each of us could have been either a CYNIC or an SKEPTIC.  As humans, we CAN'T deny that we are vulnerable to let our own pendulum swing, sometimes from one end to the farthest end.  BUT I was far more a SKEPTIC many times as against being a CYNIC because being a CYNIC will bring me nowhere while as a SKEPTIC, I'm cocksure to still be able to more than just MOVE THE NEEDLE ❗❗❗

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