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Sunday, February 4, 2024

How Do We Gain More RESPECT?

How Do We Gain More RESPECT?

How Do We Gain More RESPECT?  Oh, you might react, WHAT A BORING TOPIC for today but allow me to push hard for this to be our thread.  Now, let's dive as deep as we can in our thread today.  Fact is, NOT all human behavior makes a whole lot of sense BUT why DON'T we focus on small-small HABITS that will turn others to us
HOW ABOUT sharing something you dislike about yourself.  I've done this quite a few times, especially when I meet people for the first time.  I would warn them that they need to get used to my persona because my face DOESN'T smile BY DEFAULT [unlike those charming lotharios WHO seem smiling even when strangers walk on opposite directions.  Oh we're all terrified of being banished from the crowd and looked at funny, so most of us put energy into appearing wonderful, flawless and virtuous
WHY don't we GO AGAINST THE GRAIN and tell us something you dislike about yourself.  That immediately puts you in the MINORITY and shows us something cool.  Now, this becomes debatable if we're advised to SMILE LESSBUT there seems to be a mystery to those WHO DON'T always smile when you expect them to.  We are intelligent beings and can sense insincere grins.  We're also tired of FAKEDNESS.  If someone smiles at everything, it takes the power out of any smile
Being sparing with your smiles can show discernment, a thoughtful mind and authenticity.  NOW, how about REPEATING THEIR WORDS.  Most people are hell-bent on emptying out everything they want us to know about their lives and problems.  Few take a moment to turn it around and help others feel heard.  A powerful way to do this is to REPEAT BACK some of what people say.  This reinforces a strong bond between you and the person you interact with
NOW, how about being UNDISTRACTED?  The worst 'turn off' is when someone talks and seeks your attention, your attention DOESN'T seem undivided.  Place yourself in the shoes of someone earnestly talking to you while there you are, 'hostaged' by that gadget where you are tied up to social media and even making facial reactions that are obviously NOT related to the person who's reaching out to you.  So, HOW DO WE GAIN MORE RESPECT❓❓❓

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