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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Let's Embrace Life's CONTRADICTIONS

Let's Embrace Life's CONTRADICTIONS

What do we want in life?  Consistency.  Predictability.  Stability.  And our favorite, we DON'T want "UNPLEASANT SURPRISES" BUT we need to realize that our life is peppered with tons of CONTRADICTIONS [to our chagrin] the only antidote to it is for us to Embrace Life's CONTRADICTIONS and there's NO other way around it, dude💴💷💵

Pragmatically, though, the path to SUCCESS is filled with CONTRADICTIONS [much to our consternation].  And to arrive at your target destination faster, you must EMBRACE them.  These things seem like they DONT make sense BUT they do.  For example, WINNING BIG is about LETTING GO OF THE OUTCOMEBUT commonsense will tell you otherwise, right?  So, if we want to be SUCCESSFUL, we got to be aware of the paradoxes that govern SUCCESS📗📙📘

Abiding by them is the defining factor in HOW things turn out for you WHILE ignoring them can cause unnecessary delays in your journey.  Let's take a sampling of LIFE'S CONTRADICTIONS.  Primero, BIG THINGS START SMALL.  You just CAN'T apply the 'BIG BANG' Theory in life, no way.  That giant AMAZON business of Jeff Bezos [whose net worth now is $163 billion, whew] started in the garage [of Jeff Bezos].  So with Apple, Dell, Google, and Walt Disney businesses💡💡💡

Comparisons CAN'T be farther than our very own selves.  How much did we weight at birth?  And, look at you now.  EVERYTHING THAT GROWS BIG STARTS SMALL.  If you have massive goals, great, that's an auspicious start for your life journey BUT again, temper your expectations that you will start SMALL, period.  And during your startup phase, you can fumble📌📌📌

To quote the great late Apple founder, Steve Jobs, 'THE PEOPLE WHO ARE CRAZY ENOUGH TO THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD ARE THE ONES WHO DO'.  Very prophetic words but let's translate and dissect this one-liner into the simplest words we can understand and appreciate.  NOW, much as you want to achieve 100% SUCCESS, that WON'T happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.  Temper your goals by setting 1% as your improvement on a daily basis.  That should start you to embrace LIFE'S CONTRADICTIONS❗❗❗

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