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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

When Our Mind Produces NEGATIVE THOUGHTS...

When Our Mind Produces NEGATIVE THOUGHTS...

Do we subscribe to this [quite unbelievable statement], that Our Mind Produces NEGATIVE THOUGHTS?  Yes indeed this is absolutely true.  Fact is, we all think negatively sometimes.  We're having a bad day and it feels like the world is against us.  Then, we start to believe THAT things are indeed harder for us, THAT life is unfair, THAT other people DON'T have good intentions.  Oh, the more we allow ourselves to think negatively, the more often we will have NEGATIVE thoughts and the harder it will be to break the cycleπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

And the more that we allow ourselves to think NEGATIVELY, the more often we will have NEGATIVE thoughts.  BUT again, thinking positively all the time is NOT the solution for us to overcome NEGATIVE thinking.  It is possible to have fewer NEGATIVE thoughts and reframe them so they become more realistic.  We want to strategize in such a way for things to be realistic, for us to be human enough and to remain hopeful even during difficult circumstances.  This is NOT as steep as climbing Mount Everest.  On the other hand, let us NOT belittle this just like a molehillπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So what's our FIXes?  The key to keep NEGATIVE thinking under control so that it doesn't turn into a NEGATIVE attitude toward life is to first recognize that NEGATIVE, pessimistic or critical thoughts are a typical experience for most of us.  Being hard on ourselves is NOT the solution, nor is coming up with a positive alternative to every NEGATIVE thought we have.  If today we had a terrible day, fine to say it was a rough dayπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

When we get into an argument with someone, thinking they are treating you badly or unfairly OR that they are being unfair maybe correct and accurate.  We just DON'T want to treat NEGATIVE thoughts as unacceptable.  BUT here's a tough ASK.  If you notice most of your thinking lately has been NEGATIVE and that it's becoming harder to be hopeful and optimistic, that tells us it might be time to try to put your thoughts into perspective✅✅✅

Definitely, we DON'T want to dampen every situation by finding the NEGATIVE aspects and focusing on them.  Sometimes, when we allow NEGATIVE thoughts to consume us, it becomes harder to enjoy ourselves, to be kind to others and to be grateful for the blessings we got in many more of our experiences.  In the simplest terms, we hold the KEY and the only answer whether we can 'throw out through the windows' all the rubbish and crap that NEGATIVE thoughts because WHEN OUR MIND PRODUCES NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, we're doomed❗❗❗

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