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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Truth Is, It's YOU Versus YOURSELF

Truth Is, It's YOU Versus YOURSELF

Who says we got tons and tons of antagonists and foes in life?  Socrates, the great Greek Philosopher was quoted saying "CARE FOR ONESELF AND KNOW ONESELF".  Now, from our growing up years, we were taught that being SELFLESS is a good thing and that there are many proven benefits of altruism  to our well-being but we cannot  disown that the Truth Is, It's YOU Versus YOURSELFπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Often, we seek validation from the wrong sources.  You will NEVER find your whole worth in another human being because you will find it in yourself and then you will attract those who are worthy of your energy.  So, why DON'T we stop waiting for others to tell us how impressive we are. Instead, IMPRESS YOURSELF.  SHOW YOURSELF that you can learn, grow and get better.  Again, life is NEVER competing with others.  WHY get bothered if your high school classmate is driving a Ferrari?  WHY be insecure if your batch mate is now a CFO of a global organization?  WHY feel down if your relative has a sprawling mansion❓❓❓

C'mon, during those times when we feel drained, depleted and demoralized, we really have NOTHING to give.  WHEN we fill our time with responsibilities and constantly prioritize the needs of others over our own, we can end up draining ourselves of energy and even desire.  I guess we've all experienced the difference between GIVING from a feeling of having something to GIVE, helping a workmate, cooking meal for our family, all because we feel we SHOULD do these allπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

With all humility, I would admit that I got classmates from way back my elementary and high school days who are now either a CEO, CFO and CIO.  But instead of ending up pitiful, I got my 'second wind' when I realized that I have a bigger number of classmates who, unfortunately, didn't make it good enough in life.  Not that I'm jumping on that but it was for me to realize that I should feel MORE BLESSED [more than I thought]✅✅✅

From then onwards, I was constantly competing versus myself.  When I woke up today, I would pause and ask:  HOW DID I PERFORM YESTERDAY?  Had I flopped yesterday, that should be rectified ASAP.  Had I added another feather in my cap yesterday, I want to move up the goal post and aim higher.  TRUTH IS, IT'S YOU VERSUS YOURSELF❗❗❗

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