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Thursday, August 10, 2023



Everybody says that we should NOT give up on our FUTURE, THAT a lot more is stored for us in the FUTURE, THAT whatever it is, never risk your FUTURE simply because something of a lucrative option gets tossed up for you to consider BUT hey, think about it, if that option seems palatable, yesirrrrrrs, for you to be Giving Up 'SOME FUTURE' For More AT PRESENT may even make sense after you weigh things on apples-to-apples basis⏳⏳⏳

This quote from Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian nationalist says "THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT WE DO IN THE PRESENT" says it all.  BUT the problem is, there are 'STRETCHED' interpretations of this quote and a 'bonafide laidback' will claim that he'd rather not lift a finger now at present BUT instead he's more than willing to wait for the FUTURE  !@#$%&

Whilst I am a non-Finance guy, please allow me to share that finance jargon, NET PRESENT VALUE.  Simply put, from a finance perspective, this practice weighs in the potential benefits to be possibly reaped in the FUTURE versus the probability to gain it in the PRESENT.  In practical terms, if you have a 50% probability to earn something like $20k five years from now versus an approximate 70% probability to earn like $5k NOW [as in NOW], will you wait for that 50% probable bonanza five years down the road?  BUT your iterations can get a little trickier when we discuss about non-financials, e.g. relationships 📌📌📌

In terms of weighing things for those relationship-related, will you wait for five years to surprise your partner/spouse with a a pricey gift or if your partner/spouse is angling for a quick 3-5 days getaway holiday anywhere near like a 2 to 3 hour-flight, do consider the NOW versus that FUTURE you're angling five years from now, if it comes after all✅✅✅

In a nutshell, it's NOT all dollars and cents.  There are MORE intangibles to weigh-in as well.  The challenge with those intangibles is that there is NO straight-line formula for you to arrive at an informed decision.  Bottom line is do consider GIVING UP "SOME FUTURE" FOR MORE "AT PRESENT"❗❗❗ 

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